IM 2022 March 22 | Page 48

Australia-based Plotlogic Pty Ltd is tapping hyperspectral imaging to provide precision orebody knowledge in real time to miners for improved decision making .
Having recently been namechecked by EQ Resources Ltd as part of an advanced minerals processing flowsheet developed for the Mt Carbine Expansion Project , in Queensland , Plotlogic Founder and CEO , Dr Andrew Job , was open to answering some questions from IM .
IM : How will the Plotlogic hyperspectral imaging sensors be used within the Mt Carbine Expansion project – are these being used within an ore sorting setup ( ie with ore / waste diversion ), or for data generation and analysis ? AJ : Plotlogic ’ s advanced hyperspectral imaging sensors will be used to significantly enhance selective mining prior to ore sorting . At Mt Carbine , our OreSense system will initially focus on testing assay samples , historical stockpiles and waste .
This testing has the advantage of being completed in real time rather than using a lab , which may take days , weeks or even months . The geologists on-site will take images of the samples and be able to see in real time the levels of tungsten in the ore . This will also automatically update the mine ’ s geological model , adding significant value to the whole mine .
EQ Resources will additionally be able to use the OreSense system to determine characteristics such as mineral abundances , lithology and moisture content . All this information is highly valuable to geologists and mine managers .
We ’ re further bolstering efficiency for EQ Resources and improving its ESG profile by increasing throughput of critical mineral , tungsten , while also decreasing greenhouse gas emissions and improving safety on-site by removing exposure hours . In time we ’ ll expand to over-the-conveyor and shovel-mounted systems as well .
IM : Can you outline how the technology is able to do this and what aspects of the Mt Carbine orebody make it suitable ? AJ : The technology provides a detailed and precise rock-by-rock classification of the material being mined using hyperspectral sensors , LiDAR and AI-based algorithms . The system can be configured standalone to test assay samples ; alternatively , it can be affixed to the back of a light vehicle or attached to a loader or rig . It can also be placed over a conveyor belt to provide the mill with more visibility of what is about to be processed .
We have spent a huge amount of time building technology that can directly detect certain minerals and indirectly detect others through associated mineralogies .
We have a huge data set and we ’ re able to use that data to train our algorithms to be ever more accurate . It means our clients get the benefits of de-identified data captured from around the globe . This data assists us to characterise the ore on their site in real time . We believe that we can deliver benefits to almost all orebodies . The Mt Carbine orebody is suitable because , like that of all our clients , the mineralogy of the host rock can be detected using our highly sophisticated hyperspectral techniques .
Because Plotlogic ’ s OreSense system does not require direct contact with each rock , it can be flexible with deployment configurations ; for example , over conveyor belts , on light vehicles for mine surveying and on shovels for bucket-by-bucket screening
IM : More widely , how are your sensors being used across the mining space in ore sorting projects ? Have any of your projects with Anglo American , BHP or South32 used your sensors in an ore sorting context , for instance ? AJ : We believe our clients can derive more value from rapid ore characterisation at the start of the mining process than from ore sorting at the end . We focus on working with our all customers to understand their deposit and update their geological and block models by , first , rapidly yet thoroughly testing their assay samples . We then traditionally expand across the mine to provide mapping of active mine faces , mapping of stockpiles and provide real-time data on what is on the conveyor prior to it hitting the mill .
The technology can be used for ore sorting , but we generally target further up the value stream where we can influence a decision before it hits a conveyor .
IM : How do you see the combination of hyperspectral imaging and AI enabling Plotlogic to take market share from other technology companies that would consider themselves ' precision mining ' advocates ? How could it compete with XRT , XRF , PGNAA , MRA , etc ? AJ : Our unique combination of sensors allows us to scan from a distance of 0.5-200 m . This means we can scan large areas quickly , remotely and using inherently safe equipment – for example , no nuclear sources .
We can speed up the assay process with our digital assay configuration , replacing lab assay of blasthole samples .
Also , because we do not require direct contact with each rock , we can be flexible with deployment configurations ; for example , over conveyor belts , on light vehicles for mine surveying and on shovels for bucket-bybucket screening . We ’ re really confident our technology , data set and proprietary algorithms positions us very strongly against competitive technology . about a mining-design constraint , not a sorting constraint ,” du Preez said . “ Sorters can be placed above or below ground . The machine doesn ’ t really care where it is situated .”
The case for using ore sorting has benefitted in recent years from a focus on the rationalisation of energy and water , and du Preez says TOMRA ’ s solutions are most definitely aiding mine site sustainability .
“ Yes , there will be environmental benefits that come with installing our particle sorting technology , but they will also continue to tick the profitability box ,” he said . “ There will generally always be a win-win when you install a sorter in
terms of both the bottom-line profit and loss , and ESG perspectives .”
One company set to realise both benefits is Tungsten West , which is establishing the Hemerdon tungsten-tin mine in Devon , England .
TOMRA is delivering seven ore sorting units to this operation , which are set to substantially
44 International Mining | MARCH 2022