IM 2022 June 22 | Page 27

column containing many beads .
Dr Rebecca Paisley , Exploration Geochemist at Cornish Lithium , explained : “ The beads have an active ingredient on their surface that is selective for lithium . As water is pumped through the column , lithium ions attach to the beads . With the lithium separated , we use two Watson-Marlow 530s to pump an acidic solution in various concentrations through the column . The acid serves to remove lithium from the beads , which we then transfer to a separate container .
“ The pumps are peristaltic , so nothing but the tube comes into contact with the acid solution .”
Paisley added : “ The great thing about having these five pumps is that we can use them to help evaluate other technologies moving forward . Lithium extraction from the type of waters we find in Cornwall is not undertaken anywhere else in the world on any scale – the water chemistry here is unique .”
To help fulfil the requirements of the next test plant , Cornish Lithium has enquired after more 530SN / R2 pumps from Watson-Marlow , according to the company .
“ We ’ ve also requested a quote for a Qdos 120 dosing pump from Watson- Marlow , so we can add a certain amount of acid into the system and achieve pH balance ,” Matthews said .
Vertical sump pumping
US-based Sulzer recently upgraded its line of VM vertically suspended lineshaft sump pumps with new efficient hydraulics .
The VM pump range has been designed for pumping all kinds of clean and contaminated liquids and slurry . Its wide range
Upgrades to Sulzer ’ s of designs and hydraulics makes
VM vertically the VM pump very adaptable suspended line-shaft and perfectly suited to all sump pumps have led to multiple industrial sump pump improvements to the applications , the company pump ’ s vertical said . construction , which can reach a length of
With the upgrade , 6 m and even more , multiple improvements were according to the also made to the vertical company construction , which can reach a length of 6 m and even more , according to Sulzer .
Among the list of suitable , highly demanding applications for the pumps are industrial water , effluents , corrosive and abrasive mixtures , hazardous fluids , abrasive liquids and / or liquids containing large solids , abrasive fibrous slurries and / or fibrous slurries containing large solids , and abrasive nonfibrous slurries and / or non-fibrous slurries containing large solids .
The upgraded VM pump range offers high performance and durability . Its advanced design – combined with a wide range of materials – makes the pump reliable and increases both the operational efficiency and the mean time between maintenance , Sulzer says .
The operators benefit from easy pump assembly , high hydraulic selection versatility , optimised parts inventory thanks to high interchangeability and a wide range of materials . Abrasion-resistant and corrosion-resistant options ensure exceptional resistance against wear also in challenging pumping applications , the company says .

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