IM 2022 July 22 | Page 8

the environment and connected with communities . We want everyone – workers , the community and suppliers – to feel called to be part of the future of the industry . A key aspect is to develop the skills of the future to meet the demand for human capital that the region will require by 2030 . To achieve this , we must work in collaboration with all the actors of the educational ecosystem of the region .” www . bhp . com

Trolley assist coming to Carajas

The Serra Norte iron ore mining area is part of Vale ’ s Northern System and is located in the municipality of Parauapebas in the state of Pará , northern Brazil . The N4W , N4E and

N5 mines are currently operating , generally referred to as the Carajas mining complex . Serra
Norte is distinct from the other two Northern
System mining areas in Pará – Serra Sul in the municipality of Canaã dos Carajás which primarily includes S11D , one of the world ’ s largest in pit crushing and conveying mines , and
Serra Leste in the municipality of Curionópolis .
The current Serra Norte life of mine plan runs from 2022 to 2038 . The ongoing mine plan involves opening new mining areas for extraction at the currently inactive N1 , N2 , and N3 orebodies . Mining is by traditional open pit mining methods . Ore is hauled by off-road trucks to strategically positioned primary crushing facilities , and waste is hauled to waste dumps .
Plant 1 has a mixed beneficiation process , 55 % wet process and 45 % dry while Plants 2 and 3 have a 100 % natural moisture process . The
current nominal production rates are 85 Mt / y for
Plant 1 , 40 Mt / y for Plant 2 , and 20 Mt / y for Plant
3 . The Serra Norte mines have been operating since 1984 and being expanded laterally and in depth , with simultaneous mining of more mineral bodies . Consequently , the average haulage distance is increasing . Crushers have previously been implemented for the run of mine ( ROM ) ore in the pits for use with conveyor belts , to reduce haulage distances . There are also ongoing projects for the installation of new crushers with the same objective . Also , there are projects under study for the implementation of semi-mobile crushers with conveyor belts for the waste . In regions where is a needed vibration control in rock blasting , surface miners are also being used .
There is a very large truck fleet in the Carajas mines which has included the electric drive
Komatsu Mining 227 t 830E and 290 t 930E plus the 363 t Liebherr Mining T 282B , as well as mechanical drive 231 t Caterpillar Inc . 793Ds and
363 t 797Fs . In September 2021 , Vale also started operating six autonomous trucks in the Carajás
iron ore complex as part of its main fleet , which increased to 10 by end 2021 & is set to hit 37 in
2024 . Capable of moving 290 t at a time , the
Komatsu 930E-AT autonomous diesel trucks with electric drive were tested in an isolated area in
Carajás since 2019 before moving to the N4E mine for final testing then live production . In
April 2022 in its 20-F Annual Information Form for
2021 , Vale also added that a new trolley assist system is “ expected to operate in 2023 ” at the
Carajas mines . This would reduce emissions from the Carajas electric drive truck fleet through cutting diesel usage & will also have the distinction of being the first trolley assist line in
Brazil . It should also increase productivity through higher on ramp speeds . www . vale . com

Travertine to commercialise sequestration process

Anew technology start-up that came out of research from the

University of California , Berkeley is looking to commercialise a novel , cost-effective process to capture and permanently sequester ambient carbon dioxide while producing sulphuric acid .
The process should , the company says , enable carbon-negative critical element extraction and fertiliser production .
Travertine Technologies , Inc . has announced a $ 3 million seed financing jointly led by Grantham Environmental Trust and Clean Energy Ventures to enable the company to scale up its team in Colorado , and to accelerate its pathway to pilot-scale technology implementation in 2023 .
Carbon dioxide removal has widely been acknowledged as a key piece in the climate change puzzle , with the IPCC believing it must be scaled concurrently with decarbonisation to achieve the goals from the Paris Climate Accord .
Travertine ’ s electrochemical process mineralises CO 2 from the air and co-produces sulphuric acid used for extracting raw materials such as lithium , nickel and cobalt . It accelerates the Earth ’ s natural carbon cycle to precipitate carbonate minerals from carbon dioxide in the air – producing
sulphuric acid , green hydrogen for renewable energy and oxygen as a by-product – and permanently storing carbon in the solid phase , according to Travertine .
Travertine Founder and CEO , a former University of California , Berkeley Professor , Laura Lammers , told IM : “ For every tonne of sulphuric acid produced , half a tonne of CO2 is saved and sequestered .”
Some 300 Mt of sulphuric acid is used annually in extractive industries including mining and fertiliser production , with demand set to grow with the surging need for critical elements .
Lammers , one of the leading scientists in carbonate mineralisation , says Travertine is
engaging with companies looking to expand or bring online new production of energy minerals such as lithium that would typically go down the normal sulphuric acid plant route , telling them Travertine can provide another option .
“ In addition to that , there are many tonnes of sulphate waste out there that come with recycling options using the technology ,” she said . If the technology proves successful in these applications , it could prevent the accumulation of millions of tonnes of waste annually that contaminate water and are deemed as liabilities for mining companies .
And there are also options to bolt-on the technology for retrofits / upgrades in existing sulphuric acid processes , she added .
To this point , the company is working with mining companies to trial this technology , with Lammers hoping to say more about these partnerships next year .
She concluded : “ There are a number of companies looking at the carbon-to-value landscape , but we are focused on redressing the needs of the industry and the environmental balance .” www . travertinetech . com
6 International Mining | JULY 2022