Outside of loaders and trucks , Sandvik ’ s BHEV team and the Underground Drills division are discussing a commonality of approach regarding batteries , as well as common components and the supply chain , where possible , according to Laine .
Currently , the company ’ s 400i-series battery models – DD422iE development drill , DL422iE long hole drill and DS412iE bolter – use Sandvik ’ s patented charging while drilling technology and tram on battery power .
Having embarked on many trials and commercial implementations of battery-electric technology , Sandvik is continuing up the development curve , learning from industry feedback , Laine explained .
“ When you are at the forefront of innovation , it is expected that you will have constant feedback and places for improvement ,” he said . “ It is no different with battery-electric vehicles for mining . We constantly review this feedback from our valued early adopters and carry out developments based on it .”
Just one example of this in action is a recent update of the cooling component associated with battery charging to ensure the process is as safe and efficient as possible , Laine said .
Alongside this , the company is continuing to invest in the expertise needed to support these vehicles at mine sites , ensuring customers leverage the full benefits of its third-generation battery-electric machines .
“ We have a big program to develop local skills and are investing in our service centres to ensure we have more specialists in key areas ,” he said . “ As we are ramping up our supply chain , we are also ramping up our BEV-readiness plan to support machines out in the field .”
Caterpillar ’ s all-electric mine vision
Caterpillar is expected to soon make its first battery-electric loader , the R1700 XE , a commercial offering after extensive testing at mines in North America .
The company currently has three of these LHDs operating in Canada , with trials taking place in deep underground mining applications .
This machine , which was on show at MINExpo , features 100 % battery-electric propulsion that generates significantly less heat and noise than the diesel equivalent . On top of a 15-t-payload , the Cat R1700 XE offers 24,190 kg lift and tilt breakout force , plus a top speed of 18 km / h .
Caterpillar told IM that the trial outcomes in Canada had , so far , proven “ very positive ”, meeting or exceeding the design requirements and customer expectations .
And the company ’ s new portable Cat MEC500 Mobile Equipment Charger had proven itself in the field , confirming a less than 30-minute charge on the R1700 XE battery with one MEC500 and less than 20-minute charge with two MEC500s .
Asked if these machines could be charged via other means aside from the MEC500 , Caterpillar said : “ Fast and safe charging is a key enabler for continuous mining operations . Fast charging provided by the Cat MEC500 mobile equipment charger is a key part of our charging strategy .
“ Currently , the R17000 XE and MEC500 are matched and deeply integrated to provide a safe and productive solution for our customers . Through ongoing technology development programs , Caterpillar is also exploring advanced charging options to suit our customers ’ unique mining needs .”
The trials of the R1700 XE have been conducted in manual mode as Caterpillar seeks operator feedback on the new machines , but the LHD is factory ready for the full suite of Cat MineStar™ underground technology solutions , which offer different levels of autonomy – from tele-remote to fully autonomous . Caterpillar confirmed an intent to provide full autonomy on these machines , with automated charging also part of its future vision .
The R1700 XE and MEC500 might be the current focus for Caterpillar ’ s underground electrification program , but another solution on show at MINExpo could soon come into this offering .
In Las Vegas , Caterpillar displayed the Cat R2900 XE diesel-electric drivetrain as a precursor to the development of a hybrid loader , which it is targeting to be available in early 2023 .
The design is based on the Cat R2900 loader , which comes with an 18.5-t payload , making it a good match for the 63-t payload AD63 . The Cat R2900 XE provides a 20 % increase in productivity and a 31 % increase in fuel efficiency over the existing model , according to Caterpillar .
“ With this loader , we provide another new
The Cat R1700 XE , which was on show at MINExpo , features 100 % battery-electric propulsion that generates significantly less heat and noise than the diesel equivalent
option for our customers , another solid step toward the next battery version ,” Caterpillar said . And this isn ’ t all . Caterpillar confirmed to IM that it is currently developing a zero-emission underground batteryelectric truck .
“ This new model will be designed to productively offer a three-pass match for the 15-t electric Cat R1700 XE battery-electric underground loader ,” the company said . The diesel-powered-equivalent , a R1700 , supports three-pass loading of the 45-t capacity AD45 truck .
This new battery truck is a key part of the company ’ s vision towards an all-electric mine , advancing it one step further on the path to electrifying the entire Cat underground hard-rock product portfolio , Caterpillar said .
This path also includes the development of battery-electric versions of Caterpillar ’ s larger 20- t-plus payload underground loader and 60-t-plus underground truck .
While no timelines were provided for release of such vehicles , Caterpillar has already committed to developing and deploying its first battery-electric zero-emissions underground truck for Newmont ’ s Tanami underground operation in Australia by 2026 , which currently uses 60-65-t payload diesel trucks .
This strategic alliance with the gold major includes deployment of 10 trucks , and the introduction of battery autonomous technology in 2025 with full deployment in 2026 .
Caterpillar ’ s wider underground electrification plan does not currently include battery conversion kits , but , as the technology evolves , a conversion
32 International Mining | FEBRUARY 2022