40,000 t of primary sulphide material averaging 0.4 % Cu – containing more than 90 % chalcopyrite – that , using the same process outlined by Muchnik , showed consistent recoveries of over 70 %, he said .
Asked if the company is eyeing even higher recoveries that can compete with the levels Cuprochlor is achieving on secondary sulphides , Muchnik said it was all about an economic tradeoff . “ It may be possible to hit such a percentage [ as Cuprochlor ], but that is not the aim or expectation with the kinetics we are currently seeing in Cuprochlor-T ,” he said . “ There is always a tradeoff between the length of irrigation time , the PSD and the recoveries , all of which are related to capital costs , operating costs and the payback associated with the process .”
The Antofagasta planning and operations teams have now got their hands on the Cuprochlor-T ‘ licence ’ and will be busy outlining potential deployments for consideration in the company ’ s annual planning cycles .
There are some obvious places to start . The Zaldívar open-pit , heap-leach copper mine , 175 km southeast of Antofagasta , is currently in the process of transitioning to chloride leaching
operations with Cuprochlor . The project , which includes an upgrade of the SX plant and the construction of new reagent facilities and additional washing ponds for controlling chlorine levels , was completed in January 2022 and is now being commissioned . It is set to boost copper recoveries by approximately 10 percentage points , increasing production at Zaldívar by around 10,000 – 15,000 t / y over the remaining life of mine .
“ In addition to transitioning to chloride leaching with Cuprochlor for secondary sulphides , we are currently progressing studies for the primary sulphide orebody that currently lies below the Zaldívar reserves to prove if Cuprochlor-T leaching can work ,” Muchnik said . “ Within our resource base , there are approximately 460 Mt of primary sulphide resources declared here .”
Both Centinela and Antucoya have primary sulphide resources and existing heap leach and SX-EW facilities that would fit the Cuprochlor-T blueprint too .
Muchnik said : “ One of the technology attractions of Cuprochlor-T is the ability to use otherwise idle leach pad and SX-EW capacity . That it is the scale limitation at our current operations , but the technology can be gradually deployed
within a plant that is already adapted for chloride leaching , phasing this in during the life of mine to fit requirements . It provides an ongoing adoption process option rather than an immediate infrastructure project that sees an operation shift from oxide leaching to a different kind of heap leaching in one go .”
The advent of Cuprochlor-T does not mean the company will completely drop potential concentration projects , Muchnik clarified , highlighting the second concentrator project currently subject to a feasibility study at Centinela . In addition to the capital and operating cost benefits that would come with Cuprochlor-T over the concentration route , there is likely to be a sustainability benefit .
“ It ’ s only an indicative reference as each case is different , but you would expect the energy consumption associated with Cuprochlor-T leaching and SX-EW treatment to be less than half of the normal route of copper concentration and SX-EW ,” Muchnik said . In this respect , it is a favourable consideration for Antofagasta ’ s longterm carbon-neutral goals . www . antofagasta . co . uk