IM 2022 August 22 | Page 38

Normet ' s TamPur RBG is available in varying grades to suit both an automated or manual injection process
standard length SDA grouting in broken ground along with manual injection for solid bolts , Normet ’ s pumpable resin offering has extended to cable bolting along with longer connectable SDA ’ s and Normet ’ s connectable SDDB ’ s ( selfdrilling dynamic bolts ), either delivered through an automated or manual process . Over the past few years , Normet has worked to develop pumpable resin to OEM ’ s requirements and for use with extended hollow bolts taking into consideration the longer resin open time requirement , delivery process and varying ambient conditions . These products now compliment the full range of ground improvement resins that Normet offers . In this context RBG is currently used in several mines around the globe , providing early safety for miners and reducing the cycle times significantly . TamPur RBG is also available in varying grades to suit both an automated or manual injection process and to allow for local ambient and rock formation temperatures . Finally , an additional specific product , TamPur 117 , is designed for cavity filling in hard rock mining , goff filling in coal workings , to general void filling for tunnelling and civil engineering projects . It reacts within seconds to form a high , expansive , lightweight foam , which is economical , non-toxic , fire resistant and user friendly .
cavities . These foams have a very good resistance to fire and fulfil the standards in all countries for a use as cavity filler in underground coal mines . The benefits of this technology are time-saving and safety increase compared to classic filling . Designed in the 1980s especially for cavity filling when roof collapse in the longwall , the technology has been improved by various expansion ratios , safer chemistry and longer shelf life of the components .
Another example for larger cavities is ROCSIL , where complete cavity filling is assured . This allows for the containment of the surrounding strata in exposed cavities , thus containing further self-mining or falls of ground . Due to the expansion of the foam , and assurance that the cavities will be completely filled , a containment of the excavation is ensured due to the active filling support of the foam .
ROCSIL ® FOAM LS1 is a two component phenolic resin product used for cavity filling , air and gas sealing , fire fighting and stabilisation of highly fractured strata . Its most common use is to fill roof cavities formed by longwall roof falls . The mixing of resin and catalyst in a volume ratio of 4:1 produces an immediate foaming reaction followed by a rapid expansion of the product to as much as 35 times its original volume . After expansion , ROCSIL ® FOAM hardens in approximately five minutes .
Prior to the introduction of ROCSIL ® FOAM , foaming cement type products were used for the recovery work . The phenolic foam material is far superior to foaming cement on many critical areas such as faster application rate , improved safety , higher foaming ratios and reduced shuttering to contain the fill material .
The solution has been very successful in Australia where Mastermyne company Wilson MIning through their technology partner Weber Mining identified the benefits of ROCSIL ® FOAM in early 2000 and embarked on an extensive research and development program to introduce the product to Australia with now thousands of use cases .
ROCSIL ® FOAM is a LOBA ( Arnsberg ) approved product and has effectively eliminated foaming cements for cavity filling in Australian underground coal mining . ROCSIL ® FOAM can also be used in a wide variety of applications beyond just cavity filling . This includes sealing underground heatings and mine fires , coal rib support , and surface subsidence crack repairs .
Admixtures for shotcrete in wet mine areas
Shotcrete is widely used in hard rock mines for ground support & rock reinforcement , allowing the customer a safe and efficient mining operation . But in damp and wet areas , shotcrete may be difficult to apply where fall out can occur due to the shotcrete not bonding to the wet substrate . Additionally , when shotcrete is applied over damp or wet areas water usually penetrates through the shotcrete and then onto the roads . The water damage on the roads can get very
Foams for rapid safety in coal mining
Weber Mining says it continues to produce efficient and reliable solutions for its mining and tunnelling partners . Its MARIFLEX LS1 filler foams are used to fill the dents in the ceiling in a short time and to make the working area safe . With its high blistering rate , the MARIFLEX LS1 product provides the ability to fill quickly and safely with the use of a small amount of product .
MARIFLEX is one example of a phenolic foam , which are high expanding , two component foams designed for rapid filling of large voids and
Weber Mining is a global leader in cavity filling foam solutions for mining
36 International Mining | AUGUST 2022