ThingWave has been researching in the development of new methods to detect breakage ( ie rupture ) on metal bars such as rock bolts or cable bolts
real-time . If a rock bolt breaks or extends beyond its capabilities , an alarm is sent using e-mail , SMS , or to the ThingWave mobile phone app . ThingWave currently has two different versions : RBM-XR with more than 350 mm elongation sensing range , and RBM-SR with up to 90 mm range . Live data from Smart bolts can be sent using its high-performance mesh technology , Wi-Fi , or 5G to ThingWave Cloud . Typical elongation resolution is 1 mm , so even small changes in deformations can be detected .
ThingWave has been researching the development of new methods to detect breakage ( ie rupture ) on metal bars such as rock bolts or cable bolts . The new technology allows us to monitor and report breakage events in real-time . The use of this technology can be applied to mining ( reinforcements , metal meshes , rock bolts , cable bolts , etc ). The novel method for detecting if a rock bolt has been severed into two parts can be used to send immediate alarms to geotechnical staff and mine engineers so that the proper actions can be taken .
ThingWave in Sweden and AMS Solutions in Finland have also started a collaboration with the MINE . THE . GAP initiative from the European Union . This project , called DIGIROCK , is about new methods for sensing rock properties in underground mines and providing analytics for predicting failures before they occur . The DIGIROCK project proposal aims to develop an early warning system for underground mining . The goal is to implement a first proof-of-concept solution for both real-time monitoring of rock bolts , and advanced analytics with predictions of future rock deformations . The proposed technology can both save lives , mitigate working environment hazards and increase productivity . At the end of the project , the aim is to deliver an
IoT solution for bolt monitoring and a Cloudbased solution that can send maintenance reports and alerts to mining companies . In the DIGIROCK project , ThingWave will contribute with advanced IoT solutions for rock deformation sensing , and AMS will provide their patentpending rock stress analytics algorithms for predicting failures before they happen .
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