beyond . Ultra-efficient water reclamation allows miners to recycle and reuse a significant amount of water in their operations , reducing the need for fresh water intake . This cuts both water-sourcing and wet tailings management costs for the mine site , while also reducing environmental footprint .”
Why does FLSmidth believe that the AFP2525 provides a step change in this area ? “ Firstly , the AFP2525 has the highest availability in the industry – the filter is easy to maintain , which means costly downtime is minimised . Secondly , the filter is exceptionally efficient and operates at high capacity – ie it maximises water recovery and is suitable for large-scale mines . Additionally , fast filtration rates and short mechanical times minimise the filter cycle time ; this combination of speed and reliability result in the lowest cost per tonne in the industry . With the AFP2525 Automatic Filter Press , miners can expect an average of 93 % availability and up to 95 % recovery of process water .”
ANDRITZ has also introduced a new filter press , the ME2500 , to complete its range of proven A4F and SE series filter presses for the mining and minerals industry .
The ME2500 is the best-fit for fast processing
Combined with Metso Outotec ’ s optimised filtration plant design , the new Larox FFP3716 filter offers a reliable and cost-efficient long term solution for tailings management even in challenging environments
of tailings ( also with high clay content ) or mining concentrates like iron , copper , lead or zinc , the company says . The new model has an hourly processing capacity of up to 450 kg / m 2 , a filtration area of up to 840 m 2 , and features chained plates for faster filter cake discharge . These attributes enable the highest throughputs without compromising on safety , while reflecting a customer focus on saving water , ANDRITZ says .
The innovative closure system on the ME2500 largely replaces hydraulic components with electrical ones and further reduces cycle times , thus increasing capacity and operating availability .
“ The increased use of electrical components enables highly sustainable operation of the filter press by reducing the amount of hydraulic oil needed , as well as improving safety thanks to more precise control and less reliance on highpressure lines that are susceptible to leaks ,” the company said .
In addition , and to further optimise the productivity of single machines or plants with multiple filter presses , all modules of the ANDRITZ intelligent filter press – controlled by the Metris addIQ control system – are also available for the ME2500 filter press and can be provided with the full range of options . This draws on smart sensors , data analytics and augmented reality , including multiple sensors to allow for online safety monitoring of the plate package and moveable parts .
Metso Outotec says its newest addition to the FFP filter range , the Larox ® FFP3716 filter , comes with compact plate pack design and smart automation , redefining the overall standard in reliability , capacity and safety in tailings filtration for which it was purely designed .
Combined with Metso Outotec ’ s optimised filtration plant solutions , the Larox FFP3716 filter offers a reliable and cost-efficient longterm solution for tailings management , even in challenging environments , the company claims .
Geoff Foster , Head of Tailings Filtration at Metso Outotec , said : “ Responsible usage of water in the mining industry is the primary driver for increasing interest in tailings dewatering . At Metso Outotec , our goal is to provide holistic tailings management solutions by bringing a
Diemme seeks to help industry Mine with Mind
IM caught up with Andrea Pezzi , Director of Marketing and Communication at Diemme Filtration , part of Aqseptence Group , on progress with its record breaking GHT5000F ( nominal plate size 5,000 x 5,000 mm ), set to be delivered to a copper mining customer in Peru – the huge , next-generation filter press will have approximately 3,000 m 2 of filtration area . Built upon the successful GHT-F platform , this technology was years in the making overcoming design obstacles such as manufacturing and transportation limitations .
The filter is also set to be reviewed at a special web event on November 30 , led by Diemme Filtration CEO , Rosario Tagliavini , which will bring together mining stakeholders , consultants & technology providers to discuss future tailings management and the key role that filter presses are playing and will play going forward under the theme of “ Mine with Mind .” It is also intended to be a forum to share opinions and experiences . Diemme ’ s integrated tailings solutions partner – global water treatment and wastewater major SUEZ Group – will also take part .
Pezzi said that in addition to the launch customer that it is in advanced stages of discussions with regard to deployment of the GHT5000F on two other major tailings projects . In terms of the first GHT5000F , Pezzi comments : “ the frame is now completely built and we are in the process of assembling the plates and completing the electricals – so we are at an advanced stage and will shortly begin preliminary test runs . It will be a game changer for our industry , not just because of its size but also in terms of evolution of digitalisation in filter presses . For example it will incorporate new software linked to sensors that we are developing which will allow real time data analytics to support what will increasingly be remotely operated filtration plants .” Pezzi said this new digital platform is set for launch in early 2022 .
New Diemme GHT2500F filter press installed at Pogo gold mine in Alaska
In terms of other major projects , the Pogo gold mine recently installed a large Diemme filter press . Prior to its acquisition by Northern Star Resources Ltd in 2018 , the Pogo mine was rapidly nearing the end of its mine life . To prevent closure , Northern Star ’ s immediate priority has been to invest in extensive exploration , commit to new equipment & technologies and implement changes to mining methods . As part of this commitment , Northern Star has recently invested $ 36 million to expand the current mill , to include a new GHT2500F ( 2,500 x 2,500 mm plate size ) Diemme filter press which was commissioned July 27 , 2021 . The purpose of the press is to dewater fine tailings to allow dry stacking of materials . This equipment is an integral part of the mill expansion process and will allow the mill to operate at increased capacity . Diemme says it quickly reached and exceeded its nameplate capacity of 120 t / h of solids so that the customer is already very happy with the installation . The equipment is also less complex and costly to operate and maintain than the presses being used in the existing plant .
20 International Mining | OCTOBER 2021