IM 2021 November/December21 | Page 38


Model builders

The development of the South Flank iron ore mine was a great example of modular construction methods , where Mammoet used its transport expertise to deliver over 1,000 oversized items to site safely and on time ( credit : Mammoet )
Mining project delivery is being measured by more than just schedule and cost , with successful specialised EPC / EPCM firms making important contributions that go way beyond design and construction . Dan Gleeson finds out how several providers are proving themselves in this complex environment

The three or four letters usually associated with the specialised companies involved in mine design and building do not sum up the lengths these firms go to on behalf of their mining company clients .

By playing in the engineering , procurement , construction and management services game today , contractors have to engage with a mining project throughout the lifecycle .
Drafted in as early as the prefeasibility study stage , these specialists are often used as a sounding board when looking over , for instance , Whittle-optimised pit shells , exploration data and transport infrastructure plans . At the same time , the designs they recommend are expected to continue to bear fruit for the miner and its stakeholders beyond the life of mine , whether that is community projects , the development of local supply chains or open-pit rehabilitation programs .
As projects get more complex and skilled personnel able to advise on coping with such complexity fall in number , the remit of EPC / EPCM firms and the industry ' s reliance on these specialists are only going to grow .
Early engagement
One of the ways to navigate the increasing number of conditions and requirements placed on modern mining companies developing projects is to engage with these firms as early as possible .
Leonardo Kaid , Vice President , Head of Global Business Development & Strategy , Fluor Corporation , said early engagement is an increasingly critical factor , not only given the growing complexity in terms of ore characteristics and the orebody itself , but also with the introduction of new power strategies and technologies – both mining-specific and disruptive – that need to be factored into development .
“ Opportunities derived from all these factors are unique to each project , interrelated and therefore dynamic ,” he told IM . “ During study stage , leaving no stone unturned in the entire mining and process chain allows for solid assessment and selection of process technology and equipment , plant layout and design , power sourcing and a fully integrated digital platform .” Other examples Kaid mentioned of where contractor involvement at an early stage pays off include leveraging the same tools used for underground resource evaluation to help locate facilities and plot site layouts ; providing input on access road design to accommodate not only the
movement of workers , supplies and concentrate , but larger construction modules ; and carrying out
project optimisation ahead of regulatory submissions to alleviate issues with amending licences down the line .
The latter is a point picked up by David Meadows , Global Manager of Metallurgy at Bechtel , who says the need to engage with contractors early in the process reflects the timelines required for permitting mines today .
“ There was a period where we would get a project at the detailed engineered stage , execute the project and that would be it ,” he told IM . “ But we now want to go back in earlier in the process , stay with the customer , work with them on solutions and develop these quality projects , while adding value at every stage by providing experience , design knowledge , project execution , benchmarking and innovative approaches .”
The key to this success hinges on getting the “ construction viewpoint ” established in the study phase , according to Meadows .
“ Other EPCM companies can do great designs , but there is not always the construction aspect integrated into it ,” he said . “ That is what we , at Bechtel , pride ourselves on .”
Hatch has promoted the value of “ front end loading ” a mining project since its early days in civil tunnelling to improve delivery outcomes , according to Rick Collins , Director of Mine Execution Projects .
“ In this way , we can influence decisions around methodology , selection of equipment , technology and contract styles as well as the key human resources aspects , all of which are integral to successful project outcomes ,” he told IM .
This is where engaging project experience and expertise – including suppliers and contractors , as well as mining EPC / EPCM firms – during the feasibility phase helps .
“ As well as design definition and basic engineering , this is the stage where the
36 International Mining | NOVEMBER / DECEMBER 2021