IM 2021 March 21 | Page 33

Komatsu looking at teleremote PC7000 development
In a global exclusive , Paul Moore recently interviewed Masayuki Moriyama , President , Mining Business Division at Komatsu Ltd , about the company ’ s progress so far in advancing teleremote , semi autonomous operation of large hydraulic mining excavators , which is the next big technology move in the transformation of surface mining fleets following the rollout of autonomous haulage . These machines will be used with both manned & AHS mining truck fleets
IM : Is Komatsu actively developing remote control ( teleremote ) hydraulic mining shovels ? MM : Komatsu is developing a semi-autonomous teleremote 700 t class PC7000 hydraulic excavator and aims to trial the concept machine at a customer site in 2021 .
IM : Will it also have collision avoidance installed ? MM : As stated before , we are developing technologies to support operator awareness , such as 360 ° view monitors and machine displays and semi-automated operation capabilities , which all support increased awareness to help avoid issues whenever possible .
IM : Is the intention for the teleremote excavators to work with both manned truck fleets and autonomous truck fleets ? MM : Yes , we are aiming this at both manned truck fleets and autonomous truck fleets . In manned truck fleets , our guided spotting technologies support truck operators to efficiently spot at load locations . In autonomous fleets , the autonomous truck can spot at an exact loading position , helping reduce cycle times and increase productivity through the semi-automated teleremote operation and truck support system ( guided spotting / autonomous ) working together .
IM : What types of technology will assist the remote operator with situational awareness ? MM : To support remote operation , Komatsu is developing the following technologies that will help operators adapt to this new working style : 360 ° view monitor and machine display for enhanced visibility and situational awareness ; semi-automated teleremote operation capabilities to reduce cycle times and combat operator fatigue ; and real time operator guidance and coaching with augmented reality ( AR ) technology based on data from sensors and cameras for productivity improvement .
IM : Is this being done
Masayuki Moriyama , President , Mining primarily for safety reasons Business Division at Komatsu Ltd
but with productivity the other main focus ? MM : Our focus on developing semi-autonomous teleremote equipment is in part to remove people from harm ’ s way , yes , as well as to help improve shovel productivity rates through automation . Komatsu ’ s teleremote shovel aims to help customers increase their productivity through semiautomated operation and AR technologies , when compared to manual operation . We are also developing capabilities to enable a single operator to operate multiple shovels at the same time , for further productivity increases .
IM : What are the main technical and operator challenges that need to be overcome ? MM : It is important to help manage operator fatigue and reduced peripheral vision , challenges of tele-remote operation that can decrease productivity . With our developments , we are working to increase productivity compared to manned operation . From a productivity point of view , visualisation of the mining operation is essential . In a manned operation , one of roles of a shovel operator is giving instruction to trucks and other vehicles , and this is not changed in teleremote operation . Therefore it is necessary that remote operators can still visualise the mining operation . To do this , we are working with our colleagues at Immersive Technologies to provide virtual reality ( VR ) environments that provide shovel operators the same information they can get when they operate a shovel at site . Leveraging the capabilities of Komatsu Technology Companies including Modular Mining Systems , MineWare and Immersive Technologies , we are developing enhanced visualisation capabilities for our teleremote shovel and its surroundings . In addition , we are developing an operator coaching function that will evaluate the operator ’ s skill level and cycle times to provide real-time feedback to improve performance .
Komatsu will trial its remote control system first on a PC7000
IM : Has the project reached trial stage and can you give any details ? When is the technology likely to be formally launched ? MM : Development is nearing completion and as stated , we plan to trial the concept machine at a customer site in 2021 . is key to flexible digging paths , allowing for horizontal digging along the floor , top-down digging , and selective digging — which is a potential requirement in hard rock , multi-seam coal , or banded iron formations . The 2650CX uses a hydraulic clamshell bucket , eliminating the door-latch mechanism commonly found on rope shovels . The capabilities of the 2650CX provide exceptional reach and height , compared to hydraulic excavators . This allows for higher bucket fill factors , increased material excavated between moves , and operation in bench heights
up to 16 m . Additionally , efficiency comes from the fixed-boom architecture of the 2650CX . The fixed boom reduces digging mass from hoist motion , requiring less energy during the dig cycle and maximising bail pull throughout the dig profile .”
MARCH 2021 | International Mining 31