n Evaluating and developing vectors to ore n Assessing current geochemical methods and developing new alteration-based exploration criteria for Archaean lode-gold deposits The tool uses typical , mineral assemblage-based alteration sequences . AGLADS can be used to quantitatively evaluate areas affected by alteration during the formation of lode-gold deposits , enlarge exploration targets and assist with vectoring to economic ore .
The system requires the input of high-quality , multi-element assay data from exploration & evaluation drilling and uses analytical data from many deposits to ‘ Train-On ’ in various metamorphic environments and various Archaean greenstone sequence lithologies . Outputs includes predictions of likely host rock type and whether a drill intersection represents Ore , Proximal-To-Ore , Distal-To-Ore or Host lithology .
SensOre also recently commenced a joint project with the Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation ( CSIRO ) looking at automation and efficiency in big data cleaning and processing solutions for the mineral resource sector . Access to high-quality datasets has , in the past , been an obstacle to applying cutting-edge predictive analytics to solve geoscience and mineral exploration problems , according to SensOre . The joint project , which will confront this problem , has seen several CSIRO data science experts embedded within SensOre .
“ SensOre is committed to world-leading mineral exploration research and development ,” Richard Taylor , CEO and Director of SensOre , said . “ This is the second time SensOre has worked with CSIRO and the engagement has led to order of magnitude improvements in our approach . Australian government support , such as the Kick Start initiative , is important for Australian technology companies looking to grow globally .”
The joint project benefits from CSIRO ’ s Kick Start initiative for innovative Australian start-ups , providing funding support and access to CSIRO ’ s research expertise . The program offers eligible businesses matched funding of up to A $ 50,000 ($ 34,681 ) to undertake research activities .
A wholly-owned subsidiary of BHP has also signed SensOre up as a client for its data cube and DPT technology . SensOre and BHP reached agreement on a Letter of Intent in May 2020 and confirmed this in a Joint-Targeting Agreement ( JTA ) on September 18 , 2020 . The JTA envisages a phased process training the DPT technology on commodity specific deposit types and applying the knowledge gained to a predetermined search space . SensOre stands to benefit through fees for the targeting exercise and potential success-based payments on certain discoveries resulting from the technology .
Finally , SensOre and IBM in 2020 announced they are collaborating to bring the power of AI to the entire spectrum of mineral exploration activities . “ IBM and
Goldeneye AI platform
The European Commission recently granted € 8.4 million to a three-year H2020 project , Goldeneye , which started on May 2020 . The Goldeneye consortium is developing an artificial intelligence platform for the monitoring and analysis of minesites across Europe . The platform integrates information from satellite produced Earth Observation Data ( EOD ), drone overflight sensors and on-site recorded data and its applications the partners say will improve safety , lessen the environmental impact and increase profitability of mines by employing automated data pre-processing fusion , AI and state-of-the-art visualisation methods . The Goldeneye platform will be piloted at five mining sites across Europe . The use cases of the Goldeneye platform address the different phases of mine lifecycle from exploration to closure and post-closure . The applications developed in the project include mineral detection , safety monitoring , operational management , geo-hazard monitoring , and environmental monitoring . For example , in the safety monitoring application the aim is to improve the safety of mines by monitoring mining sites for sudden slope and ground changes as well as analysing the environment of the mines to detect any mining water leakages from their indirect influence to the surrounding area . End-users ( mining site operators ) will have visualised analytical maps for their use but need not to be concerned about how this data is collected and prepared . The required data pre-processing is provided automatically by the platform and the required AI tools are developed by the experts . The end-users can just communicate with the platform ’ s AI assistant with natural human language and make use of the results .
Two pilot sites , Pyhäsalmi mine in Finland and the Trepca Mines complex in Kosovo will focus on the study of the environmental impact and stability of the mines . The Pyhäsalmi mine will also be used as a test site for indoor GNSS location positioning and turn-by-turn navigation . Accurate location improves the safety of the underground mines as it enables better tracking of the mining activities .
Two field trial sites , Bockau district in Germany and Panagyurishte district in Bulgaria , will focus on mineralogical mapping . The geophysical and proximity sensors will be used to calibrate satellite information and teach AI algorithms . The aim is to develop mineral exploration with higher resolution imaging and improved mapping of valuable mineral deposits . The fifth site in the Ro ia Poieni district in Romania aims to improve mineral predictions with combined satellite imagery and drone-produced data . The aim is to improve profitability , and support the mining community of the area .
Furthermore , the project will develop a mineralogical sensor solution for ore drilling integrating Sandvik drilling machines with time-gated Raman sensors and active hyperspectral imaging for exploration . This will improve mineral extraction efficiency and support profitability of the mines . After the project has reached the commercial stage , the aim is to develop a multitude of additional applications together with the end users and experts in the different domains .
Goldeneye is being coordinated by the VTT Technical Research Centre of Finland . The consortium consists of 16 European companies and research partners : VTT , Beak Consultants , Cuprumin , Dares Technology , Earth Observing System , Galileo Satellite Navigation , OPT / NET , Radai , Sandvik Mining & Construction , Sinergise , Sitemark , AKG sh . p . k , Technical University of Cluj Napoca , Timegate Instruments , University of Oulu and Sofia University , Bulgaria . The consortium works together in platform development and in bringing together the work of sensing experts , solution providers and European mines .
SensOre can provide an interface that works for both resource and exploration geologists making use of data that in many cases is underutilised . This joint initiative was developed based on the two companies ’ strong belief that AI will provide the next level of innovation in near-mine and regional exploration . We look forward to bringing this to all our clients ,” said
Image based on the TSAR AI solution from OPT / NET , one of the Goldeneye consortium partners
Richard Taylor for SensOre . Leveraging mutual strengths , the two companies will align the value proposition to combine exploration with IBM Watson™ Platform and SensOre ’ s DPT technology , while maintaining flexibility and freedom of action for both parties to work with clients individually or join forces where it makes sense to do so .
14 International Mining | FEBRUARY 2021