IM 2021 August 21 | Page 25

WabtecCorp . com

Wabtec ’ s optimized integrated electric drive system . Thepowerisinside e .

GE Transportation , no w a Wabtec Wabtec offers the most complete li n e of company , introduced the first
AC electric drive systems in the industry commercially viable electric drive ranging from 100 - 400 ton capacity
. system for large mining haul trucks With service-proven transmission and in the early 1960 ’ s . Since then , the electric components , the company company has led the industry in the is the recognized industry leader in introduction of new technology to electric drive systems . improve the truck ’ s cost per ton . These innovat tions have included the first solid-stat te control sy
ystem , the first trolley assist technology for large haul trucks , the first AC electric drive system and the first demonstrat tion of hybrid energy storage .
WabtecCorp . com