IM 2021 August 21 | Page 2

The Driller ’ s Choice


Get tough with Mincon Rock Drills .
Unlock new opportunities with Mincon ’ s new Rock Drill range of drill masts and rigs . These powerful systems can be used as standalone compact drill rigs , or easily integrated with existing carrier equipment thanks to their modular design . Whether you ’ re using large hammers , drilling water-wells , or installing solar panels , Mincon has a complete package solution for you .
Your drilling equipment needs are as unique as the sub-surface conditions you have to drill through . We match our new Rock Drill range with tooling packages that suit your application and subsurface conditions , maximising penetration rates , and lowering costs per metre . With expert drill support available locally , start building your drilling solution package with us today .
Visit www . mincon . com / rockdrill for more information about Rock Drills masts and rigs , to learn how they can unlock new opportunities and lower your total cost of drilling .