IM 2021 August 21 | Page 18

mineral processing gamut will be seen , discussed and analysed in Las Vegas .
For FLSmidth , the focus on delivering sustainable productivity for its mining customers remains and , at its MINExpo booth , it will be showcasing just what that means for the mining flowsheet on a practical level through interactive presentations , product deep dives and a specially designed 3D interactive mine flowsheet .
“ The booth promises to be a hive of activity with a strong delegation of FLSmidth experts attending , covering everything from pit to plant , including digital solutions , sustainability and service ,” the company said .
Key presentations will focus on current efficiency opportunities and the sustainable future of the mining flowsheet .
On both the Monday and Tuesday , attendees can drop by the booth for the company ’ s two headline presentations . One will focus on the concept of the “ MissionZero Mine ” and what it means for miners in terms of innovation , digital / data optimisation and the adoption of currently available technologies . MissionZero is FLSmidth ’ s sustainability ambition to enable the mining industry to reach zero water and energy waste , and zero emissions by 2030 . The company says it is keen to highlight how it can already help customers reduce their environmental footprint and make their resource use more efficient in terms of cost and impact .
The second headline presentation , Complete mine optimisation : From Digital to Service and Aftermarket , will examine the mining flowsheet through the perspective of cost savings and efficiency gains that miners can achieve through service , upgrades and “ easy-to-implement ” digital solutions . Many of these can be quick wins with a fast return on investment , with the LoadIQ digital solution for intelligent mill loading , one key example , FLSmidth said .
On both days , FLSmidth product experts will be presenting the latest innovations and developments in their areas , with the emphasis , once more , on customer benefits around cost reduction , increased throughput and recovery , and minimised footprint .
One of the key focus areas will be flotation innovation , which will cover technologies such as the mixedROW™ flotation system , WEMCO next generation technology , the digital froth camera and the REFLUX flotation cell . The company will also be talking tailings and the AFP2525 Automatic Filter Press , which , FLSmidth says , averages 93 % availability and up to 95 % recovery of process water .
Other areas of the flowsheet will also be examined in presentation and demonstration sessions , with comminution , pumps and cyclones , and lab sampling and analysis all featuring . A special session dedicated to battery minerals will also take place at the booth .
Weir Minerals , a Weir Group division , will use the event to showcase its whole-of-mine capabilities , from extraction to comminution and the mill circuit .
Attendees will be able to view the Cavex ® 2 hydrocyclone , which , Weir Minerals says , marks a new era in separation technology . Its LIG + ™ laminar and chamber design reduces turbulence and allows the hydrocyclone to classify up to 30 % more feed slurry , while occupying the same footprint as Cavex 1 and competitor cyclones . The shape of the liners in this new generation of Cavex hydrocyclone has been improved to further minimise turbulence .
The Cavex 2 also comes with a range of materials technology options including Linatex ® premium rubber and other natural rubbers such as R55 ® , which , the company claims , outlast competitors ’ elastomers in similar applications . In addition , liners can be replaced via a “ snap-in ” system requiring zero adhesive . Smaller models ( 400CVD and below ) are also available with moulded fibreglass housings . Cavex hydrocyclones can be customised to suit almost any application and are also available as a retrofit option , the company said .
The Weir Minerals booth will also feature a hologram of the
Weir Minerals says the Cavex 2 hydrocyclone marks a new era in separation technology
FLSmidth will be showcasing just what delivering sustainable productivity for its mining customers means
Enduron ® high pressure grinding roll ( HPGR ). This comminution equipment reduces particles by compressing and crushing the feed between two counter rotating , parallel rollers with a small gap between them . Where HPGR technology has replaced traditional methods of crushing and grinding , such as SAG or ball mills , customers have seen energy savings of up to 40 % and substantially improved mineral liberation , the company claimed .
Weir Minerals ’ Synertrex ® intelligence platform , which is paving the way for the future ‘ connected ’ mine , the company says , will also be displayed .
It explained : “ The key to the success of ‘ connected ’ mines rests on gaining access to multiple sources of information , an emphasis on smart data and a commitment to holistic intelligent platforms . Driven by advanced digital technologies , Synertrex improves equipment performance , abates emissions and reduces component wearing , eliminating unexpected breakdowns and maximising productivity .”
The Warman ® mill circuit ( MC ) duty slurry pump and Trio ® cone crushers with ESCO ® wear liners also have dedicated booth space .
Combining hydraulic and wear experience with advanced material technology , Warman MC pumps manage large size particles in highly abrasive slurries and are designed for the most severe slurry applications .
Trio TC and TP series cone crushers operate in some of the most challenging environments in the industry , while ESCO wear parts are the result of decades of experience casting the highest quality manganese steel . These ESCO cone liners have been designed specifically to
16 International Mining | AUGUST 2021