IM 2020 April 20 | Page 9

ALWAYS S CONNECT ED COMMU UNICATION NS with the Sm art Wireless Netw work Why choose R aj jant Kinetic Mes h ® to support your mining application s ? Fully y mobil e , multi-freque q ncy y network to eliability and deliver mission-critical re to ensure no single point t of failure Ruggedized, secure network nodes n with seamless scalability to power mobility and autonomy in open-pit and unde erground mines Proven to provide unsurpassed resilie ency and security with self-optimization to sup pport M2M communic cations and autonomy Join Our Free Webinar W “Automation & Mesh Networks in Mi ning” ” GUES T SPEAKER R Sam muel Brito , SITECH Cen ntral Brasil April 7, 2020 0 11:00 am EDT T Th ere is a growing need fo or min mining p oper p rators to optimize their p productivity d y thr rough real-time monitori ing while k eeping safety a prio ority . Joi n R ajant to learn how au utomation and t he Kinetic Mesh ® Netwo ork can play al role in increasing and enhancing a vita all aspects of operatio ons. REGIS TER rajant. j t com/webina / bi ars Learn what Rajant can c do for your mine’s p productivity. Request a free dem mo at mining-demo