ILOTA - The Communique 2021 - Issue 2 - Final 072621 | Page 3

CONTINUED FROM PAGE 1 was able to use items from my own kitchen cabinet . I was able to be in my environment and deal with the difficulties that I had at home with my left hand and arm to strengthen it . I was able to safely continue therapy at my age , especially due to COVID-19 ”
“ I was able to physically show her like take the camera around and show her everything and go well this is where we do this , this is what we do with this . Here ’ s where this happens , this is how this normally happens . And certainly , you know that that ’ s easy to do like pick up your laptop and just move it around .”
“ Therapy happened in my child ’ s natural surroundings . It enabled our therapists to see my child in his home . My child was able to use his own toys and materials he is used to .”
“… we were able to have everything here and have it accessible … we had therapy during lunch she could practice , eating with her spoon with that hand or opening up a band aid or literally anything that we have here …”
“ I believe there is so much value in giving patients an option to complete their therapy via telehealth . It is my belief that taking that away from patients would be a disservice .”
“ After making the switch , I was blown away by the quality of therapy we were able to do at home . Of course , the amazing therapists worked with made sure I wasn ’ t missing anything but being out of the norm ”
“… the possibility for everybody to have access to amazing therapy is , is literally going to change our world , these kids are going to get services and abilities to do things that they wouldn ’ t have been able to do ”
“ Having gone through both in person and telehealth therapy , I do not feel there was much difference in quality between the two . I believe there is so much value in giving patients an option to complete their therapy via telehealth . It is my belief that taking that away from patients would be a disservice ”
At this time , ILOTA is continuing to recruit more practitioners to join advocacy efforts to support House Bill 3498 for permanent access and payment parity to in-person services following the pandemic . We ask that individuals interested in being interviewed send an email to telehealthquestions @ gmail . com , or if interested in completing an online survey using this link : https :// www . surveymonkey . com / r / BHVK5XB .
For more information on HB3498 and actions you can take as a practitioner , please visit the ILO- TA website page titled Legislative Updates under Government Affairs using the Resources tab at : https :// ilota . memberclicks . net / legislative-updates

Jordyn Fulton , OTS

Jordyn Fulton is a second-year occupational therapy student at Midwestern University . She recently completed her Level II fieldwork with ILO- TA and is currently working with the Home & Community Health SIS .

Monika Robinson , DrOT , OTR / L

Monika Robinson , DrOT , OTR / L is an Assistant Professor for the Occupational Therapy Doctorate Program at Midwestern University and co-owner of Living Fullt at Home , LLC .
Illinois Occupational Therapy Association | 2021 ISSUE 1 2