ILOTA Communique December 2017 Communique | Page 3

October / November / December • Issue 4 • 2017 President’s Address, continued from page 2 Check it out – OT practitioners in Illinois are fabulous! We did two other things at conference that were a bit out of the ordinary. Over the summer I attended an institute that included a graphic designer. I had not seen this before but it was such a wonderful addition to the discussion that I wanted to try it. We were able to find Craighton Berman, who came down to Bloomington and graphically recorded Glen Gillen’s keynote address which was a reprisal of his wonderful Slagle lecture. You can see a picture of the graphic recording in this issue of the Communique. This was done live and projected to the audience. What fun it was to listen to Glen speak while watching the lecture evolve on screen as a graphic. We have since had the graphic signed by both Glen and Craighton. Hopefully posters will be available soon for people who might like to purchase one, with proceeds going to our endowed scholarship fund. Lastly, we are growing. It is so exciting and also a little daunting. As of this writing we are over the threshold of 800 members. That is double the members and income – and budget – as when I started on the board 8 years ago. Looking back over our history it looks like our max was somewhere around 1234 in 1990, although we cannot find any records of membership between 1990 and 1999. I think we are in a position to top that in the next year. Of course, our growth means more work that must be done. This year we will add a part time office manager to take over many of the day-to- day tasks that take time. Bill payment tasks, filing, running certificates, day to day management of the website forms, etc. Just running certificates for our online CE on ethics takes a number of hours each week since we had around 600 people take the course. Hiring someone to work part time in the office will free Jenny up to help lead efforts on our many new member benefits - the online CE opportunities that we will grow this year, the in-person CEs, our yearly conference (and centennial event) and our new student conclave and hopefully to support the start of our leadership development program. Like I said, exciting, but daunting. Before I close I do want to congratulate and welcome new executive board members - President-Elect Jim Hill and Director of Advocacy Michelle Sheperd. I would also like to thank Gail Fisher for offering to take over as President of the ILOTPAC. We are expecting to see some important things happening in the state in the near future so I am glad to have a strong advocacy team in Michelle and Gail. Hang onto your ILOTA “hats” folks – it promises to be a great year. Post Stroke Depression, continued from page 1 the best fit. Other disciplines that can assist in addressing depression using a multi-disciplinary team are social work, psychiatry, psych liaisons, and neurologists. Having the ability to implement early screening tools and a cohesive team to address depression for both patients and family may have the potential to promote outcomes in rehab and involvement in daily activities upon returning home. References Worrall. L (2016). Reducing The psychosocial impact of aphasia on mood and quality of life in people with aphasia and the impact of caregiving in family members through the aphasia action success knowledge program: Study protocol for rando m controlled trial. Worral et a.l Trials, 17, 1257- 1259. Magdy(2012). Poststroke Treatment with Selective Serotonin Reuptake Inhibitors. A Journey from Sadness to Recovery. American Stroke Association, 23, 3154-3155. Chollett (2011). Fluoxetine for Motor Recovery After Acute Ischemic Stroke (FLAME): A Randomized Placebo- controlled Trial. The Lancet Neurology, 10, 1474-4422. Caeiro. L, Ferro J. (2013). Post Stroke Apathy: An Exploratory Longitudinal Study. Cerebrovascular Disease, 10, 507-513. The Scholarship Committee is proud to announce… We achieved our goal and reached $35,000! In partnership with the American Occupational Therapy Foundation, the Illinois Occupational Therapy Association will establish an endowment fund for two scholarships. The first scholarships will be offered in 2019 to an OT and OTA student. The scholarship committee recognizes that this monumental achievement would not be possible without the generous support of the membership. Thank you to all who donated and supported the fundraising efforts of the past year. Page