ILOTA Communique 2020 Communique Issue 1 | Page 17

2020 ISSUE 1 C H A N G E S T O I L O TA S P E C I A L I N T E R E S T S E C T I O N S ILOTA is proud to announce some changes to our Special Interest Sections (SISs). These changes were made following several discussions with SIS chairs, a member survey completed last year, and additional discussions at ILOTA board meetings. Changes to the SISs include the following: (1) the Education SIS has changed to the Academic Educa- tion SIS; (2) the Physical Disabilities SIS has been split into two, the Neu- rorehabilitation SIS and the Orthopedic & Upper Extremity Rehabilitation SIS; (3) the Work & Industry SIS has been eliminated and incorporated into the Orthopedic & Upper Extremity Reha- bilitation SIS; and (4) a School-Based Practice SIS has been added. ILOTA is currently seeking vol- unteers to serve as co-chairs of sever- al of its SISs. Please see the table at right for vacant positions and contact [email protected] if you would like to volunteer. Special Interest Section Academic Education Administration & Management Assistive Technology Developmental Disabilities Early Intervention Gerontology Home & Community Health Chair Kathy Preissner AE SIS Co-Chair Vacant Nancy Richman Joy Hyzny AT SIS Co-Chair Vacant Rita Moore DD SIS Co-Chair Vacant Clare Giuffrida Christy Morrison Rhoda Guzman Lisa Knecht-Sabres Monika Robinson HCH SIS Co-Chair Vacant Mental Health Debora Davidson Neurorehabilitation Kelcey Bines Orthopedic & Upper Extremity Rehabilitation Susanne Higgins Pediatrics Lauren Little School-Based Practice SBP SIS Chair Vacant Sensory Integration Dana Lingle Caren Schranz SI SIS Co-Chair Vacant THE COMMUNIQUÉ The mission of the Communiqué is to inform Illinois Occupational Therapy Association (ILOTA) members of current issues, trends, and events affecting the practice of Occupational Therapy. The ILOTA publishes this newsletter quarterly. ILOTA does not sanction or promote one philosophy, procedure, or technique over another. Unless other- wise stated, the material published does not receive the endorsement or reflect the official position of the ILOTA. The Illinois Occupational Therapy Association hereby disclaims any liability or responsibility for the accuracy of material accepted for publication and techniques described. Deadlines and Information Deadlines for upcoming issues of the Communiqué are May 1, June 15, and September 1, 2020. Articles and ads must be submitted by deadlines or will be included in a future issue. Contact the ILOTA office for more information and advertising submission forms: 708-452-7640 or [email protected]. ILOTA Newsletter Committee Anne Kiraly-Alvarez (interim coordinator), Sue Charnley, Mara Chiocca, Lauren Henderson, Kelsey Ran- neklev, Morgan Stasell, & Steven Taylor (copy editor) Page 17