Dear Illinois readers and supporters,
In this edition of ABUSE Magazine we are focusing on Cyberbullying as well as Social Media among our youth and how that
may lead to teen depression and suicide, teen drinking and driving, tobacco prevention and marijuana, the “gateway
drug”. We are also addressing healthy teen dating relationships along with teen dating violence and the epidemic of heroin
use among our youth. Below, are the seven newest dangerous teen trends.
All of these topics hold great importance when it comes to our
youth. Our goal at ABUSE Magazine, is to bring awareness to each
of these issues and to provide the right resources, not only for our
youth, but for faculty members at school and concerned parents.
All of us at ABUSE Magazine want to bring awareness to school faculty
and parents, that heroin is not a drug of the past and provide our youth
with resources to get help with their addiction or to ultimately prevent
the abuse from occurring in the first place.
7 New Teen Dangerous Trends
Teen Drinking & Driving
All of us at ABUSE Magazine are always trying to stay up to date on
what is new, what is going on in the hallways at the schools and new
trends. This is how we are able to educate others and keep our parents,
faculty members, and concerned parents aware of the newest trends
we are seeing. One example of a new trend is “Vodka Eyeballing”. It
was brought to our attention that our youth have been using eye droppers and filling them with Vodka. Our Kids are dropping the Vodka into
their eyes to feel the instant effects of the alcohol and in doing so, the
can hide the odor of alcohol from school faculty and parents. They do
this, without knowing the extremely dangerous side effects they may
be doing to themselves.
In the United States, approximately 10% of all vehicle crashes
recorded by the authorities are caused due to the driver being under
the influence of alcohol. Unfortunately we are seeing these tragic
accidents occur more frequently. Our goal is to remind our youth
about all of the safety tips they have learned to prevent more tragedies, such as knowing who they are getting in a vehicle with and
making sure anyone who is driving is not under the influence of any
drug. We aim to show our youth the worse case scenario to help prevent future tragedies.
Tobacco & Marijuana
We want to bring awareness of the long term effects that tobacco
use can have on our young adults by showing them what tobacco
can do to their internal organs and the increased risks of getting
cancer. Prevention and education on this matter is the best tool in
our opinion! We also want to show our youth, that even though it
has been said time and time again, that marijuana is a “gateway
drug”. We at ABUSE Magazine have read endless essays submitted by
teens themselves about how the first drug they ever tried was marijuana. Nine out of ten times it was led by peer pressure to try “pot”
and then after that, they were pressured into trying other drugs,
more dangerous drugs, from the same crowd that had so persistently
wanted them to try marijuana. The research and facts are evident
and have been proven in our opinion. Recent studies have also shown
marijuana being laced with methamphetamine which is also a concern.
Heroin & Our Teens
Over the past few years, experts and law enforcement officials have
noticed a disturbing trend: While heroin use in general has leveled off
or even declined in most areas, there has been a dramatic spike in
teenage heroin use.
This is a drug that we are all too familiar with. Heroin, as we know,
was an epidemic in the 60’s and we all thought that drug had gone
away with the past. Unfortunately, heroin use among teens is at an
all time high in 2013. Heroin is often being used by teens that are
addicted to prescription drugs such as oxycontin and other pain pills,
recent research is showing cannabis being laced with heroin as well,
to get our youth addicted to heroin. Heroin is more accessible and
cheaper for teens to get a hold of then ever before.
Teen Depression & Suicide Linked
to Cyberbullying & Social Media
In our last edition we talked a lot about bullying in the high schools.
So, in this issue we really wanted to talk about and focus on the effects
of cyberbullying and what hateful comments via social media sites,
such as Facebook for example, can lead to, such as teen depression
and suicide.
One example of bullying and teen suicide mentioned in this issue
was geared around the tragic story of Amanda Todd, a teenager who
was bullied to her breaking point which led to moving schools several
times, self inflicted wounds such as “cutting” and ultimately the bullying drove her to the breaking point, and she sadly took her own life.
This is exactly what we want to prevent! So, as you read her story
in this edition of ABUSE Magazine, you will see that there were other
factors involved in her tragic death. Factors such as sexual abuse and
peer pressure. We want to make sure that our young readers never
feel so alone and helpless,that they feel as if there is no other way
out of the situations they are facing, than to take their own lives.
With your help and support we can make a difference and reduce
the sometimes tragic occurrences that stem from teen cyberbullying
leading up to teen depression & suicide, drinking and driving, tobacco,
marijuana, and new dangerous trends.
ABUSE Magazine would like to say thank you to all of our supporters
and readers for your contributions and participation in helping us provide this free preventative educational magazine to your local schools.
Brooke Sprute/Editor
| Illinois Winter 2014 |