Love is the cure to the sickness we call
ABUSE Magazine wants to congratulate Justin Smith , our High School graduate from Crete-Monee High School in Crete , Illinois . ABUSE Magazine and our staff wants to congratulate him for winning the ABUSE Scholarship and we encourage him to pursuit his academic goals . We also would like to encourage future seniors to participate in our essay contest .
Attention ! Breaking news ! In 2010 drug abuse was the leading cause of death . Research shows 51.2 percent of females and 48.5 percent of males are victims of abuse . Each year more and more people are dying and falling into deep depression due to verbal abuse . Abuse has no face and it has no color , ethnicity , or accent . All types of people everywhere suffer from abuse .
A dear friend of mine , whose name shall remain anonymous , suffered from abuse . Her father passed away when she was an infant leaving her to grow up without a father figure . She was different from the other girls because she liked to play video games a lot , and she did not like to wear skirts . She was more interested in jeans . When she went to school the girls would give her dirty looks and talk about her . Guys would call her weird and girls called her stupid . She was a social outcast in school , her neighborhood , and even the church she attended . She was not accepted by others so she resulted to being a loner . My friend had her share of boyfriends , but they treated her like crap . The boys tried to use her for sexual pleasure , but when she would deny them they called her dumb , ugly , stupid , and many more hurtful names . Over and over she kept hearing these words of discouragement and she started believing it . I can remember her saying “ when I am in a room full of people I feel so alone .” No one wanted her and the way people was treating her was w1bearable . Suicidal thoughts soon kicked down the door to the brain and entered in .
A little after I met her we were at a church conference and I started to talk to her and became her friend . I also noticed she had very few friends . She attempted to take a pill from a bottle so I assumed it was a Tylenol for the headache she complained about , but as soon as she brought the pill to her mouth I immediately realized that it was a very strong pill that can kill her . She was trying to overdose and kill herself . I immediately grabbed the pill and brought her to a private place to talk . She told me I was the realist and most caring friend she ever had . I just started encouraging her everyday saying “ you ’ re amazing , you ’ re beautiful , you are smart , talented , and cool .” We had a lot of deep conversations . I didn ’ t try to “ preach ” to her or over complicate things . I just shined light in a dark corner and
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brought out the revelation of the situation . In this world where people are hurting and being abused they just need a friend and someone to show them what love is . ( Not referencing love as in I ’ m in love with you , but referencing love as in I love you and will treat you right . I care about you and I am here for you .) Time passed and I just kept encouraging her and then she started to gain confidence and we started to fight her abuse together .
She was being verbally abused and couldn ’ t handle it on her own so she needed someone to come in and be her reinforcement . It was a long and vigorous battle , but we beat it . She is still alive and well today . She is happy , has friends , and doesn ’ t listen to negativity . I learned abuse is a killer for many people , and a very serious issue . There is a cure for abuse though . The cure is simple , yet complex . Dr . Martin Luther King Jr . proclaimed “ Darkness cannot drive out darkness , only light can do that . Hate cannot drive out hate , only love can do that .” The cure for abuse is love . Love heals and love restores . If you show a person that has been abused genuine and real love then their whole outlook on life will be changed . My friend was in a bad situation and headed toward ending her life , but I just showed her love , and that someone cared and I encouraged her . In life we need to stop putting each other down and start building each other up . All positive things are built on love . Love is the vaccination that cures any type of abuse . Sometimes people abuse drugs and alcohol . You just have to keep loving them and showing them love . Don ’ t condemn them , but convict them . Convict them with love . Abuse can be handled with love . Often times we know not the severity of abuse whether it ’ s physical , verbal , drug abuse , or whatever . Love is the cure to the sickness we call abuse .
Justin Smith Crete-Monee High School - Crete , IL
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