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around now , thanks to social media , and they don ’ t want us to live on this planet — they want us all to die , survival of the fittest . Let ’ s all be mountain men . Let ’ s all have cabins . Let ’ s all be WHITE . Ya know ? Let ’ s all be Jeremiah Johnson — that ’ s what these fuckers want . It looks good on film . But it doesn ’ t look good in reality . I think what we ’ re in right now is more like 13 Monkeys meets Blade Runner . We ’ re not quite there yet , but there ’ s an extra monkey . And that monkey is basically , to me , what they didn ’ t count on — the greed of Wall Street . That ’ s the 13th monkey because that ’ s what rules our planet . If the Dow goes down 800 points yesterday , all of a sudden social media is lampooning people who are anti-Vaxxers , and there ’ s this whole new push to get vaccinated . Why did that happen ? Because people are realizing that this new Delta variant is actually going to slow down commerce again . Biden ? Great . Merkel ? I ’ m happy for ya . But THOSE are the people that run everything ( Wall Street ) - the people that drive fucking policies because all governments are corrupt . Because actually , believe it or not , I ’ m pro-America . And I would say that our government is less corrupt than about 60 % of the governments on this planet .
IE : So it ’ s not , as your song suggests , a “ Broken System ”? AJ : It is ALMOST broken . It is so close to being broken . And that ’ s why that song is important on this album .
IE : But here ’ s the interesting lyrical twist with that song — your line about “ No water to drink ” could refer to a third-world country or Flint , Michigan . AJ : Well , OR California ! I mean , excuse me , but the drought we have going on out in the entire Western states right now ? But what we didn ’ t do is what Dubai did , and other Middle Eastern countries that are baking in 140 degrees Fahrenheit on a daily basis are desalination plants . We have plenty of water . So here ’ s the funny oxymoron of the whole thing — we have all this water in the ocean , 67 % of the world , yet we have no water to drink . But we have the technology to make that saltwater drinkable . But nobody — especially the Republicans , who want their donors to get the money , thereby depriving all of the people of any benefits — is willing to stop stalling all the desalination plants all along the coast . And then , as the ice caps melt and raise the water level , guess what ? We ’ re drinking all the water from the ocean anyway . So this would bring the levels back down , it ’ ll ease coastal erosion and all of the housing being displaced , all the climate immigrants . It all works hand in hand . So literally , vote for Uncle Al for your local congressman . And I ’ ll try to get some of this shit done ! I could fix the roads by just really nationalizing a legal-weed campaign and making it legal for the weed
dealers to bank . Because then the banks make money , and we tax the banks . We enhance the IRS to make sure we actually can collect those taxes through loopholes , and there are our roads ! There ’ s our education ! Through weed !
IE : Are you actually running for office ? AJ : I might as well ! Fuck ! No , but I ’ m just saying there ’ s a common-sense solution . I ’ ve never read any of the stuff that you ’ re about to print off what I ’ ve said , but those are all make-sense solutions , don ’ t you think ? I don ’ t wanna run , but I just wanna find somebody that will be open to my ideas that runs . Because I don ’ t . Want . To run . I ’ m a private person , I used to be on meth , and I ’ m not on meth anymore , and I like my privacy . But I understand bigger pictures than most people see , just by digesting mainstream media on a daily basis , and seeing some of the things that we could do to alleviate — not only today ’ s problems — but some of our future problems .
IE : Before I hit rehab , my poison of choice was coke , then meth — or crank , as we lovingly called it back then — before I nearly lost my mind on the stuff . Were you on a similar trajectory ? AJ : No , not similar — exact . Ha ! I started with coke , too . But my physical problem was heroin . The mental problem was the cocaine , then meth , then crack , along with the heroin , so I could be what I thought was creative , and this and that . And then I got rid of all of ‘ em , for … it ’ s now going on 17 years , outside of hallucinogens and alcohol in moderation . But that ’ s all I do . And since Trump ’ s gone away , I have no need for any kind of sleep sedative , either . I don ’ t even fucking do Nyquil . It ’ s just like , I can now just sleep at night ! And know that tomorrow I ’ ll be awake ! And I ’ m on a microdose of psilocybin right now as I ’ m talking to you — I do one every day . And I no longer need any prescriptions for anxiety or for anything . It cuts down on my drinking ; it cuts down on my smoking ; it cuts down on everything . And yet , I still feel alive — I don ’ t feel like I ’ m being suppressed . I feel like I ’ m being enhanced , back to what I originally was when I was born , before I ’ d been beaten down by this system . So in micro-dosing every day , you learn to accept failure , you learn people ’ s behavior , and you learn your comfort zone . You learn your comfort zone . And I hate to sound like a hippie , but this little micro-dose pill helps me so much in day-to-day activity — just going to the grocery store , driving , anything . And it ’ s not hallucinogenic — I don ’ t do the amount that makes you actually question reality . But it makes you actually understand reality , with just a micro-dose . Just like , “ Okay , I can fix this , I can ’ t fix that .” Or , “ I can do this , but I can ’ t do that .” And that ’ s what I do . This is basically what I do — I drink a little sake , then I do my psilocybin , and at the end of the night , I ’ ll smoke a hit of pot . And if that makes me a criminal ? Then great — arrest me now , because this is the happiest … well , not HAPPIEST , but the most functional that I ’ ve ever been in my life . And at my age ? Hey — go with what ya know ! It ’ s no time for a midlife crisis !
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arguably the best Beatle solo album . With hits “ My Sweet Lord ” and the anthemic title track leading the way . Sure it was excessive , but few artists could match Harrison ’ s ( being a Beatle releasing his first solo album ) clout to make an album with six sides of the material . As over-thetop as it was , George ’ s son Dhani and Beatle archivist Paul Hicks gathered up the best source tapes they could find for this 50th Anniversary Edition , and the sonic results are noticeable . Using a technique called ultra-remastering , which was used , " trying to give it the maximum separation ,” Dhani Harrison told ** Rolling Stone . “ So there ’ s more low-end , more
clarity .” Sonically , the 50th Anniversary edition is crisper and delivers a more pronounced tone on the low end especially utilizing the thump of Ringo ' s drums and Beatle bassist / Revolver cover artist Klaus Voormann -- including the humming low end of " My Sweet Lord " and " I Dig Love ." If you have money to burn , then by all means , upgrade your decade-old version of Pass for sonic reasons . It ' s the bonus tracks that are the reasons to upgrade for real fans . It ' s fascinating to see how " What is Life ' evolved from a dancehall ditty to echo-drenched driving rock anthem and AOR radio staple , while the Bob Dylan authored " If Not For You " stayed true to its country-folk roots .
We ' re skeptics of the reissue game when artists and labels constantly mine the vaults for sometimes substandard material to make an extra buck . Since All Things Must Pass is the benchmark album in the post-Beatle-solo world , it has its place for real fans and new Harrison devotees . -David Gedge
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