Illinois Entertainer October 2023 | Page 16

16 illinoisentertainer . com october 2023 cent of Blur and the Kinks while Stipe sings about the desire to recover his mojo . Mills ’ tumbling piano colors “ Aftermath ” as Stipe sings about the confusion and uncertainty as a survivor begins to find their way tentatively toward resilience following a disaster of unidentified origin . There ’ s a spark to “ The Ascent of Man ” that ’ s undermined by a plodding tempo , but other songs like “ Make it All Okay ” and “ I Wanted to Be Wrong ” simply seem pedestrian and unremarkable . The album overall seems stuck in second gear . Still , Around the Sun is no disaster as it clears its way toward the reinvigorated Accelerate and balanced Collapse into Now . Interviews from 2011 present the band members as clearly satisfied with having reclaimed their legacy by ending with Collapse into Now , which was their unpublicized goal when making the album . The band taps the touchstones that underpin its fan-favorite singles but reaches for new energy . The album ’ s title suggests a promise to engage with the present and seize the day . The theme is made overt during songs including the gently encouraging “ Every Day is Yours to Win ” and the shimmering “ It Happened Today .” The cheeky “ Mine Smell Like Honey ” is buzzsaw pop with exhortation to dig deep and scale the highest heights . “ Discover ” is bristling and vibrant , pivoting from an apology for wrong-headed behavior into a joyful and cathartic anthem of self-actualization . “ All the Best ” finds the band invigorated and digging for fire . The song makes the band ’ s aim clear when passing the torch . “ I ’ ll give it one more time ,” sings Stipe with testimonial fervor . “ I ’ ll show the kids how to do it . Fine , fine , fine .” " Überlin " jangles with Buck ’ s trademarked acoustic arpeggios ( the kind that the Decemberists gleefully appropriated on The King is Dead ) and the warm and symbiotic harmony between Stipe and Mills . “ Oh My Heart ” is a reedy waltz-time shanty expressing love and a promise to restore post-Katrina New Orleans . Mills ’ understated piano underscores the ballad “ Walk it Back ” as Stipe sings about looking for a chance to reset following a transgression . Singer Peaches shares lines with Stipe on feisty glam-rock stomper “ Alligator Aviator Autopilot Antimatter ,” while Buck unleashes Pete Townshend-styled power chords , a spitting solo and a riff like an amphetamine-fueled “ Pleasant Valley Sunday .” The song represents all of the fun that Around the Sun refused to muster . “ That Someone is You ” is a Bob Mould / Sugarstyled rock-pop blast , as Stipe sings about finding a motivating spark in a beloved companion . Stipe ’ s musical guiding light Patti Smith guests on album-closing “ Blue .” Stipe recites caffeinated beat poetry , and Smith sings a languid chorus melody . “ I don ’ t have much , but what I have is gold ,” says Stipe . “ This is my time , and I am thrilled to be alive ,” he concludes , collapsing into now . ( REMHQ . com )
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Around the Sun Collapse into Now
– Jeff Elbel
( Self )
Chicago ’ s roots-rock quartet The Empty Pockets just released their latest studio effort Gotta Find The Moon . The follow-up to their 2022 Billboard # 1 ( blues albums chart ) album , Outside Spectrum . Members Josh Solomon ( Guitar ), Erika Brett ( Keyboards ), Nate Bellon ( Bass ), and Adam Balasco ( drums ) recorded the 14 tracks at the famed Abbey Road Studios . “ Singing into the same microphone Paul McCartney once used to track vocals melted my brain a little bit , and that same feeling also brought out the absolute best performances from the whole band ,” says Brett . Opening title track Gotta Find The Moon packs a punch with angular rhythm guitar and blended vocal harmonies reminiscent of 90 ’ s alternative rock . " Make It Though " is a catchy number where the chorus has a certain 60 ’ s Brit-Pop phrasing that is easy to sing along to . The single , " Shocked By An Electrician ," is a powerhouse , no-holdsbarred blues-rock number where Erika belts out the disappointment of a woman not finding love . “ Shocked by an electrician , tricked by a magician , interest by a banker , played by a musician ”. " I Put Your Name In A Song ," exhibits their various styles with a fresh lyrical voice where Josh pays homage to his love . Backed by his solo acoustic guitar , he plays traditional jazz guitar phrases to a slower , bouncy rhythm that hints at Joe Pass . " Unknown Unknowns " is intricate with a climbing and descending , slightly quirky Squeeze-esque hook that plays to the lyrics . The storytelling of a loner using smart wordplay built on the title ' s meaning . " Daylight " is folk-rock that ends in a full-tilt , glorious crescendo with gospel-style vocal ease and tasty relative minor guitar licks throughout the ending vamp . Whether the quaint torch song " Sour Lime " or the swampy romp " Typhoid Mary ," the music holds up . As diverse as their styles , consistent throughout – are impressive vocal harmonies , bright , crisp arrangements ,