Illinois Entertainer November 2020 | Page 4

November 2020 • Volume 47 , Number 01 • www . illinoisentertainer . com
Steve Kilbey used the pandemic to spontaneously write and record a brand-new solo set , Eleven Women , which jangles like the best of his vigorous ‘ 80s Church work ( including their moody anthem “ Under The Milky Way ”) — the singer takes regular swims in the Pacific but prefers dogpaddling through local sea pools , extensions of coastal tidal pools that are always relaxing . And he always wears a diving mask so he can spot every alien marine visitor . “ There are so many sea pools in Sydney , and in my neighborhood alone , there are four ,” he reveals . “ They fill up and empty with the tide , and my particular pool is full of fish , octopi , birds diving in and out , and sea slugs , which are actually quite lovely creatures .” Don ’ t even get him started on the occasional jellyfish , some with stinging tentacles , like the Bluebottle , some not — eternal vigilance is the price you pay for a daring dip . Tom Lanham spoke to SK .
Page 22 - Steve Kilbey


Pittsburgh-bred Joe Grushecky — longtime frontman for The Houserockers , nee The Iron City Houserockers — harnessedBruce Springsteen ' s current feelings about our country first , two years ago , when they collaborated on the rousing anthem “ That ’ s What Makes Us Great .” Featured on The Houserockers ’ “ Glory Days ” -minded , 2018 indie outing More Yesterdays Than Tomorrows , the duet was just reissued as a perfect pre-election single by a recently-resuscitated Cleveland International Records , the imprint that initially signed Grushecky in the mid- ‘ 70s ; run then by the late Steve Popovich , Sr ., it ’ s now overseen by his equally-canny son , Steve Popovich , Jr .
And when Grushecky and Springsteen ’ s ragged rasps dovetail on the anthemic “ Great ” chorus , you can ’ t help but want to stand up and cheer for the dying concept of Democracy , which still might be able to be salvaged : “ Let ’ s turn this thing around before it gets too late / It ’ s up to me and you , love can conquer hate / I know this to be true , and that ’ s what makes us great .” Tom Lanham talked to the Pittsburgh legend .
Our interview with Springsteen collaborator Joe Grushecky
Movies that made it to release .
John Landecker makes it to WGN .
New Order , Tears for Fears , Frank Zappa and more .
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After seven gold and platinum-selling albums with the Heartbreakers , Tom Petty released his first solo album in 1989 . Chart favorites including “ Free Falling ” and “ I Won ’ t Back Down ” helped the Jeff Lynne-produced Full Moon Fever eclipse even the success of 1979 ’ s Damn the Torpedoes . When Into the Great Wide Open with Lynne and the Heartbreakers achieved respectable but lesser results , there was a natural interest in another release under Petty ’ s name alone . Petty took the opportunity to shake up his workflow , his lineup , and craft the most intimate and personal record of his career . In a catalog crowded with classic rock staples , many point to 1994 ’ s Wildflowers as the brightest jewel in Petty ’ s crown . Jeff Elbel reviewed Wildflowers & All The Rest in an extended deluxe box set review .
Page 20 - Tom Petty
Publisher John Vernon
Contributing Editors Curt Baran Mike Meyer Tom Lanham Lori Vernon
Design Team Notion Pool Dragon Design Vision Design Teknigram Graphics
Classified Advertising David Gedge
Founder Kenneth L . Voss
Publisher Emeritis David Roberts
illinoisentertainer . com november 2020
Advertising Sales Scott Assmann Mike Engel
Advertising Director John Vernon
Website Direction Notion Pool
Senior Columnists
Rosalind Cummings-Yeates
- Sweet Home Rick Kaempfer - Media
Kelley Simms - Caught In A Mosh
David C . Eldredge - East Coast
Contributors : Andy Argyrakis , Guy Arnston , Penelope Biver , Patrick Conlan , Deena Dasein , Jaime de ' Medici , Jeff Elbel Terrence Flamm , Steve Forstneger Michael Gallucci , Michael C . Harris , Max Herman , Tom Lanham , Aubrey Vernon Carter Moss , Michael Obrecki , Greg Olma Arsenio Orteza , Rodney Pawlak , Bruce Pilato , Matthew Pollock , Jason Scales , Kelley Simms , Ed Spinelli , Riley Vernon , Tim Shockley , James Turano
SUBSCRIPTIONS : $ 35 per year ( first class ). Material for insertion must reach our office by the First Of The Month preceding publication . We cannot assume responsibility for unsolicited manuscripts or photographs .
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The ILLINOIS ENTERTAINER is published monthly by Roberts Publishing , Inc , All materials copyright 2020 by Roberts Publishing , Inc . All rights reserved . No portion of this publication may be reproduced without written permission from Roberts Publishing ,
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