Illinois Entertainer November 2020 | Page 18

Continued from page 12

JOE record , More Yesterdays Than Tomorrows . And of course , I was worried when he chose this because it ’ s not an easy lifestyle unless you make a lot of money .

IE : Courtesy of your degree , you also still teach special-ed students in Pittsburgh . Have you ever thought of no longer Rocking the House with your band ? JG : No . There hasn ’ t been a time . I worked in a mental institution for the severely disabled in the mid- ‘ 70s , and I was single at the time . So I used all that money to get my recording career going — I used my special-ed money to buy all the equipment and finance all my early recordings . I was bound and determined , so then I went off and played music full time . When my career went
Joe Grushecky

11 • 2020

But you ’ ve got to follow your passion because you only have so many shots in life , so you ’ ve gotta do what makes you happy . And he ’ s wanted to play since he could walk , and he actually played with Bruce Springsteen onstage when he was only eight years old . Johnny is 31 now , and he this amazing band called Milly — they ’ re Millytheband on Spotify — and their A Place in My Mind album is pure pop , just a great record .
South around American Babylon , I went back to teaching because I had kids , and teaching always paid nice health benefits . So now I do both when most guys would have done one or the other a long time ago . I still love playing so much . I never once thought about giving it up !
Tom Lanham
18 illinoisentertainer . com november 2020