By Kelley Simms
nder the eponymous Doyle banner , the dominating ex-Misfits axeman has conjured up 13 metallic horrorpunk tracks on his sophomore solo effort that was released this past summer , Doyle II : As We Die . Currently on his As We Die World Tour , Doyle ( real name Paul Caiafa ) and his band – vocalist Alex “ Wolfman ” Story , bassist Brandon Strate and drummer Brandon Pertzborn – come to Joliet ' s The Forge on Nov . 10 . After two record-breaking 2016 original Misfits reunion performances that included vocalist Glenn Danzig , bassist Jerry Only and Doyle ( with ex- Slayer drummer Dave Lombardo and guitarist Acey Slade ), the band is reuniting again for three more dates in December
Doyle ( photo by Mandy Martini )
with two shows in Los Angeles and one in Las Vegas . Until then , Doyle will traveling across the U . S . playing select songs from his two solo albums and some Misfits classics .
Mosh : Doyle II : As We Die was written at the same time as your debut album Abominator . Did any of the material change from then until the recording , or did you record both albums back to back ? Doyle : The guitars and bass were recorded back-to-back . We did the drums over because we got a new drummer , and we did the vocals over just for fun .
Mosh : With Doyle the band , you show off a more metallic side compared to your punkish side that you displayed with the Misfits . Doyle : I don ’ t try to write in any way . I find whatever ’ s comfortable to play that sounds good . With horror punk , I think all those bands are horrible . To me , we ’ re not a horror punk band . We created it , but everybody just copies it and says they ’ re horror punk , but it sounds nothing like us .
Mosh : Naturally , there are some similarities to the Misfits . Doyle : I don ’ t think of the Misfits even when I ’ m playing in the Misfits . I don ’ t try to sound like the Misfits . The reason it sounds a little like the Misfits is my guitar sound is the Misfits guitar sound . Alex Story , the way he writes is much the same way Glenn writes .”
Mosh : The Misfits ’ American Psycho album turned 20 years old this year . What do you remember most about writing and recording it ? Doyle : The thing I remember the most about that record is doing a song called “ Them ,” [ Ed : this song actually appears on Misfit ' s 1999 Famous Monsters album ) which is about giant ants . It ’ s a ’ 50s movie . I was making the ant noise in the beginning and I looked down and I was covered in giant black ants . So it must have been the right sound because they weren ’ t there before I started doing that . But once I started doing it , I was covered in them .
Mosh : Your girlfriend Alissa White-Gluz of Arch Enemy does some killer vocals on “ Kiss Me As We Die .” Did you immediately have her in mind for that part while writing the song ? Doyle : I had the idea for the middle part and the rest . The end part and the extra screams , she just did that on her own . She wanted to give me some more options . I said I wanted her to do an angelic , spooky kind of thing in this middle part . She didn ’ t listen to the song until we got into the studio . Then she went into the room and did it and said , ‘ Like that ?’ And I said , ‘ Yeah , exactly like that !’
Mosh : “ Virgin Sacrifice ” also features guest vocalist Randy Blythe of Lamb of God . How did he get involved with the song ? Doyle : I met him a few years back on the Danzig tour and we became friends . We were going in to mix and I asked Alex about what he thought of Randy singing on a song . I wanted him on “ Virgin Sacrifice ” but Alex was like what about “ God of Flies ” or “ Beast Like Me .” So I said I ’ d send him all three and let him pick . He picked “ Virgin Sacrifice ” and he came into the studio and we got the words up for him . He asked me what I wanted him to do and I just said , ‘ Go in and do whatever the fuck you want , that ’ s why you ’ re here .’ He ’ s one of my favorite singers . Whatever he did , he picked out himself . I didn ’ t know he was going to sing the third verse , and he knocked it right out .
Mosh : Are you writing for a third Doyle album ? Doyle : I have about 10 to 12 things that I just need to demo out . It ’ ll either be a new Doyle record or if we can do anything with the Misfits . If there ’ s a Misfits record and I ’ m allowed to write on it , then I ’ ll submit those into that project .
Mosh : Do you write while you ’ re on the
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