Illinois Entertainer November 2014 | Page 55

throughout Stolen Dealing with multiAirplane's There Are ple lineup changes, bad Worse Things To record deals and an (Be)Come, it's appareight-year hiatus would ent the foursome's be enough reason for spent a lot of time lismany bands to close up tening to The Pixies, shop for good. Yet, local Sonic Youth, prog/power metal Dinosaur Jr. and the band, Ion Vein, has Foo Fighters. While somehow persevered. all eight tunes are The 12 tracks that comunabashedly shaded prise its third full-length in the '90s underself-titled album ground, there's includes six re-mixed enough timeless senand re-mastered verVanishing Kids sibility in the strucsions of the band's two turing to potentially attract alternative and previous EPs. The guitar bite of Chris dedicated indie rock afficianos (faceLotesto, the powerful vocals of Scott Featherstone, and the rhythmic attack of – Andy Argyrakis bassist Rob Such and drummer Chuck White propels Ion Vein's energetic sound. On their vinyl EP Spirit Visions, The band's perfect blend of thrash, power Vanishing Kids display their dynamic and prog-metal shows its influences well. musical pallete. They shift shape effortCD-opener, "Fools Parade," immediatelessly between trippy, psychedelic rock ly sets the tone with its furious pace. ("Fire Dances," "Mother Earth") and groove "Enough" shows off the band's modern happy, lo-fi spaz outs ("The Unlit Path"). prog metal influences of bands such as The music is dreamy and ethereal one Dream Theater and Queensrÿche, while moment and basement-show weird in the "Anger Inside" challenges for the heaviest next breath over the course of two tightly song on the album, consisting of some focused, tautly played album sides. (vancrunchy riffs, quick-paced rhythms and a huge, chantable chorus. Unfortuna ѕ