upholstery and a hard-shell leather case.
The Firehouse Series guitars start at
$2,800 USD. For more information or to
order please visit wallacedetroitguitars.com
years to come. The vintage maple lends the
guitar a clear, bright attack with musical
sustain perfect for any style of music. “The
resins inside an older wood will have crys-
tallized more and therefore be more stable,
so these guitar will have
a nice mature tone,”
says Wallace.
All Wallace Detroit
Guitars feature a neck
sourced from Michigan
forests and include a
hand-cut bone nut. The
pickups are hand scat-
ter-wound in-house for
a classic vintage sound.
Each guitar will be
engraved with a spe-
cially assigned serial
number beginning with
the numbers 313 for the
area code of Detroit, fol-
lowed by DFD for the
Detroit Fire Department
– also notably embla-
zoned above the building’s pedestrian doors
– and finally an edition number. Like classic
motorcycle parts, the butt of the neck and
neck pocket are engraved with matching
serial numbers as well to ensure that origi-
nal components are traceable. Each guitar
also ships with a one-of-a-kind hand-made
guitar strap fashioned out of reclaimed car
News & Notes
Amigos Guitar & Chicago Drum Shows
The Amigos are back with their Annual
Guitar Show on Friday and Saturday,
March 20 and 21, from 10 a.m until 5 p.m., at
the the Odeum Expo Center in Villa Park.
Dealers from all
over the USA will
be buying, selling,
and trading new
and used guitars,
amplifiers, parts,
Like last year's
show you'll find
some amazing vin-
tage guitars along
with cool guitars
for regular folks.
Admission is $20,
and kids under 11
are free with a paid
adult admission.
The Rebeats
Show is also back
again sharing the Odeum space with the
Amigos. An equally amazing selection of
vintage and modern drums will be featured
along amazing drum clinics from a host of
amazing drummers and manufacturers. For
info, visit both www.rebeats.com and ami-
goguitarshows.com for details.