Illinois Entertainer March 2018 | Page 4

March 2018 • Volume 44, Number 05 • COVER STORY: THE VACCINES The Vaccines' Justin Young, vocalist for for brainy British folk-punkers The Vaccines told IE's Tom Lanham that he’d somehow lost his magical inner mojo. He put on an 42-extra-pounds following the group’s third aesthetically-adventurous – but ulti- mately energy-snuffing – English Graffiti in 2015. “All I was doing was drinking beer and eating cheese snacks, and apart from making our next record, I didn’t really feel like I had any purpose.” He sighs, dejectedly. “I was drifting, feeling very lost, until I well and truly lost my mojo, socially, emotionally, even spiritually.” But now the band is at fighting weight with a rollicking new mojo- reclaiming comeback, Combat Sports, which hits shelves later this month and is preceded by buzz- sawing hallmark single “Nightclub.” A reason to be cheerful this year if ever there was one. 6 20 40 HELLO MY NAME IS SARA It’s a curious historical footnote, sighs Bananarama anchor Sara Dallin. But the classic lineup of her punky pop trio – fea- turing co-founders Keren Woodward and Siobhan Fahey – never actually got the opportunity to tour together before Fahey left to form Shakespears Sister in 1988, leaving her com- patriots to eventually carry on as a duo. Now, after the group’s classic catalog has been gradually reissued with bonus tracks on Rhino in America and by Edsel overseas, Dallin is righting that wrong with an official reunion tour, leading into festival dates this summer with Fahey back on board. “Up until now, it’s been 25 years as Bananarama for me and Keren, just the two of us, and we never really went away,” she clarifies. “But it’s nice to have Siobhan back, so it’s the three of us again. And because she never toured with us, she kind of felt like it was unfinished business. Tom Lanham talked to Dallin. Page 22 - The Vaccines Remembering Eddie. Calendar 28 Fozzy is full-time. Classifieds You dumped your boyfriend's bassist, now you're looking for another. Studiophile Pete Berwick is back at Sky Bleu, plus Gravity studios. Gear Like 1984 all over again. Publisher Advertising Sales Contributors: John Vernon Scott Assmann Mike Engel Andy Argyrakis, Guy Arnston, Penelope Biver, Patrick Conlan, Deena Dasein, Jaime de'Medici, Jeff Elbel Terrence Flamm, Steve Forstneger Michael Gallucci, Michael C. Harris, Max Herman, Tom Lanham, Carter Moss, Michael Obrecki, Greg Olma Arsenio Orteza, Rodney Pawlak, Bruce Pilato, Matthew Pollock, Jason Scales, Kelley Simms, Ed Spinelli, Tim Shockley, James Turano Curt Baran Mike Meyer Tom Lanham Lori Vernon Advertising Director Design Team Notion Pool Notion Pool Dragon Design Vision Design Teknigram Graphics Senior Columnists John Vernon Website Direction David Gedge Rosalind Cummings-Yeates - Sweet Home Rick Kaempfer - Media Founder Kelley Simms - Caught In A Mosh Kenneth L. Voss David C. Eldredge - East Coast 4 march 2018 24 Caught In A Mosh Still a nascent band at all of two years old, Chicago's Davlin has carved out a place for themselves in the local scene quite quickly. Carrying on the tradition of juxtaposing moods and vocal styles that began early with bands like Faith No More and Deftones, then Senses Fail, Silverstein, and Story Of The Year, Davlin has begun to mold that hunk of clay into something uniquely their own with the release of their second EP A Lifetime Spent In Gray. It takes the listen- er on an emotional journey of post hardcore and emo, juxtoposing the pensive and the agressive. Penelope Biver spoke to Davlin vocal- ist, John Cass. David Roberts Spins Over 1300 showsto see the best bands at the best venues. DAVLIN Publisher Emeritis 18 John is a college grad. The Wedding Present, Ministry, Greg Boerner, and Billy Idol . Guitar legend Michael Schenker's new album Resurrection is the continuation of Michael Schenker Fest from his 2016 tour and the live album in Tokyo that reunited former band members, Gary Barden, Graham Bonnet, and Robin McAuley. Since that collabo- ration worked out so well, Schenker decided to record a full album of original material with them, adding his Temple of Rock vocalist Doogie White. His tour hits Concord Music Hall on St. Patty's Day. Kelley Simms talked to the legend. Classified Advertising Sweet Home Cinemascopes Spielberg's Ready Player One debuts. MICHAEL SCHENKER Contributing Editors Media 6 12 16 File CDs for the little guy, 210 Live, Chicago Music Swap. SUBSCRIPTIONS: $35 per year (first class). Material for insertion must reach our office by the First Of The Month preceding publication. We cannot assume responsibility for unsolicit- ed manuscripts or photographs. Follow us online at: 34 42 45 46 Address All Correspondence to: Illinois Entertainer 4223 W. 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