Illinois Entertainer June 2020 | Page 25

STORE REOPENING IN JUNE • Entry limited to only groups of one or two people at a time and no more than 6-7 customers total to keep ourselves within the 10 person maximum allowed, including staff. • Masks and social distancing will be required. • Shopping bags or other bags will not be allowed in the store. Purses, backpacks and other personal carrying items are allowed with restrictions. • Curbside pickup will be available with an order placed in advance over the phone with the use of a credit card, ending 30 minutes prior to closing. Depending on how busy the store is - curbside pick may be delayed. • Shipping available via phone with a credit card for a small shipping fee. • Arrive at non-peak times or use curbside to avoid outside queuing due to entry restrictions. Noon to 1:30pm is our busiest time. as is 4:30 pm to 6 pm; the final hour of business june 2020 25