Illinois Entertainer June 2019 | Page 34

Entertainer about the band’s new album, its history and why he likes playing in Chicago. By Kelley Simms THE SHOW GOES ON Flotsam and Jetsam P hoenix thrashers Flotsam and Jetsam never achieved the accolades that some of its peers have, but the quintet remains an integral part of the metal genre. The band formed in 1981 in the heyday of thrash when the burgeoning scene was pro- ducing influential groups such as Slayer, Metallica, Anthrax, and Exodus. After losing bassist/principal songwriter/part-time man- ager Jason Newsted to Metallica just after the release of its 1986 debut album Doomsday for the Deceiver, the band could have completely derailed. However, storming back with the triumphant sophomore release, No Place For Disgrace, the group proved it could carry on without Newsted. Although Flotsam went through a bit of a dry spell during the late ’90s and early '00s, their self-titled 2016 release put the band back on track. Now on its 14th studio album, The End of Chaos, the band has returned to its clas- sic melodic thrash sound. Featuring the pul- sating basslines of Michael Spencer, the classic riffs of longtime guitarist Michael Gilbert, along with guitarist Steve Conley and jour- neyman drummer Ken Mary, they all blend to compliment vocalist Eric “A.K.” Knutson and his distinctive vocals, giving Flotsam and Jetsam a unique identity. On the heels of the band’s current headlin- ing Forbidden Territories of the World Tour, guitarist Michael Gilbert spoke to Illinois Mosh:The 2016 self-titled album was a suc- cessful rebirth of the band’s classic sound. You’ve stated elsewhere that you consider it to be a stepping stone to the End of Chaos sound. Michael Gilbert: There was some good music we were writing after No Place for Disgrace, but really, we hadn’t latched back onto our niche until the self-titled record. I do consider that a stepping-stone, or kind of [us] stepping back and regaining ourselves. I think the self-titled album, and The End of Chaos, the songwriting - something happened with the current lineup it just works really well together. Everybody’s got some value that they bring to the music. There isn’t one guy doing everything, but it’s five guys doing everything. If you can do it without arguing, and you do it smoothly, and everybody gives and takes, and you just try to make the best song possible, I think that’s the formula for it. And I think we’ve got it. Mosh: It wasn’t that you weren’t putting out good material in the '90s and beyond, but it just didn’t seem to resonate as much with the fans. What was it about that period? MG: I’ve got my personal opinion, and some people might agree, and some people might disagree. But we’re a guitar band, and if you go back and listen to those records, the guitars are in the background. I really think for what we do, that needs to be right up with every- thing else, and that was maybe a mixing thing or a mastering thing, I don’t know. But I just know when I listen to it on my system at home, I’m struggling to hear it. It’s almost like a chore to listen to certain things, or some fre- quencies might bother me a little bit. I’m super hypercritical about it, and I guess that’s part of being a perfectionist; to admit that you’re never finished working on it. It always seems like you’re never done. But you've got to stop some time I guess. Mosh: The End of Chaos has stellar produc- tion with excellent mixing and mastering that lets each instrument shine through with blaz- ing colors. MG: Soundwise, we didn’t have a goal; we were just trying to write the heaviest stuff we could. It starts with Steve and me writing the guitar parts, and we arrange it, too. We put our drums on it so everybody else in the band can get a feel for what we’re doing and what our idea is, and then it floats around from all the members, and everybody puts their input on it. And then it goes to AK, and he’s the deciding factor of what goes on the album. Because if there’s something he feels that he [can] write a good, strong chorus about - that’s going to be a keeper. Mosh: You share guitar duties with Steve Conley, who’s been in the band since 2013. How’s the musical chemistry between you two? MG: That’s a good question because [with] the whole digital media thing, we can send our files back and forth, and then it turns into a pretty healthy competition. He puts some- thing down so now I've got to top him. So I’ll go back and record my parts and try to top him, and send it back and he tries to top me. And it just turns into a war, totally healthy though. But it’s a good way to get the best possible performance out of us for sure. Mosh: Your riffs and leads on this album are some of your best. Did you have a “library” of riffs sitting around or did you come up with a new batch specifically for this album? MG: For me, I changed my picking around a little bit, and I kind of developed a new style to my playing. I haven’t completely latched onto it yet. I did all "economy" picking, which means when I change strings, my pic is Continued Continued on on page page 43 41 A Tribute to RUSH FRI MAY 31, 8pm SAT JUN 22, 7pm FRI JUNE 28 Cheers Live The Forge Milwaukee Summerfest 4660 147th St Midlothian, IL 60445 22 W Cass St Joliet, IL 60432 34 june 2019 BMO Stage Henry W. Maier Festival Park Milwaukee, WI Animation - A Tribute to Rush