Illinois Entertainer July 2021 | Page 4

July 2021 • Volume 47 , Number 09 • www . illinoisentertainer . com



For the members of Rise Against , the COVID-19 pandemic and its effects on the live event industry in 2020 provided something wholly unfamiliar for the band : downtime . “ It ' s kinda madness , when you look back on it all and think about what we did , and then managed to create this band and all the albums we made , but still raise families and have some semblance of normalcy ,” frontman Tim McIlrath affirms , reflecting on Rise Against ’ s nonstop schedule of writing , recording , and touring for a solid two decades . “ Like there ' s a lot of different balls that you ' re juggling . And so , yeah , the pandemic was like a good moment to kind of give ourselves permission , to kind of like ... I think we needed that year off , and we were never going to give it to ourselves .” After the unplanned year off , the members of Rise Against are ready to get back to what they do best : delivering connection and community from the stage to scores of passionate fans . Jaime de ' Medici caught up with frontman Tim McIlrath and bassist Joe Principe to discuss their new record Nowhere Generation , connecting with a new generation of fans , and Rise Against ' s official mayoral recognition in their hometown of Chicago .
You ’ ve got to hand it to storied Cult guitarist Billy Duffy — he doesn ’ t bury the lede when it comes to late-breaking news stories . Only a minute into a recent phone call to discuss Coloursound — the ephemeral side project he and Alarm vocalist Mike Peters launched , then abandoned with a single album back in 1998 , which jolted back to lockdown life with a new Coloursound II followup — and he goes right for the topical jugular . He ’ ll be returning to his native Britain in a few weeks , he says , before announcing his secret reason for spending much of his pandemic in Los Angeles . “ I ’ ve been here for a little while , kind of writing and working on some Cult stuff , so I ’ ve been fairly busy ,” During the pandemic downtime , he and Peters picked up the long-dormant Coloursound dialogue from 1998 and carried it into new folk / metal heights . Tom Lanham spoke to Billy in " Hello My Name is ..."
This box should come with a warning label because it ’ s a gateway to electronic obsession and willingly lost hours of exploration from which you may never return . The Moog Sound Studio is an all-in-one , Eurorack-compatible kit that welcomes all ages and experience levels . Moog ’ s small Werkstatt-01 reissued last year offered a compelling introduction to the basic concepts of analog synthesis . Still , Moog Sound Studio explodes that tutorial experience into Technicolor with a much deeper dive inspiring into tools that can be put to practical use in musical settings . There are obvious applications for genres , including electronica , EDM , hip-hop , ambient , revisionist new wave , alt-rock , and more . The price point may intimidate those with only passing interest , but the bang for your buck is substantial . This organized bundle will quickly have you creating otherworldly sounds . Jeff Elbel reviewed Moog ' s newest must-have .
Page 22 - Rise Against
File : Billy Duffy
Our interview with the legendary guitarist from The Cult and Coloursound
Summer Movie Preview , part II .
Joan Esposito is WCPT ' s local progressive stalwart .
Wolf Alice , The Wedding Present , Jonathan Richman and more
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illinoisentertainer . com july 2021
Publisher John Vernon
Contributing Editors Curt Baran Mike Meyer Tom Lanham Lori Vernon
Design Team Notion Pool Dragon Design Vision Design Teknigram Graphics
Classified Advertising David Gedge
Founder Kenneth L . Voss
Publisher Emeritis David Roberts
Advertising Sales Scott Assmann Mike Engel
Advertising Director John Vernon
Website Direction Notion Pool
Senior Columnists
Rosalind Cummings-Yeates
- Sweet Home Rick Kaempfer - Media
Kelley Simms - Caught In A Mosh
David C . Eldredge - East Coast
Contributors : Andy Argyrakis , Guy Arnston , Penelope Biver , Patrick Conlan , Deena Dasein , Jaime de ' Medici , Jeff Elbel Terrence Flamm , Steve Forstneger Michael Gallucci , Michael C . Harris , Max Herman , Tom Lanham , Aubrey Vernon Carter Moss , Michael Obrecki , Greg Olma Arsenio Orteza , Rodney Pawlak , Bruce Pilato , Matthew Pollock , Jason Scales , Kelley Simms , Ed Spinelli , Riley Vernon , Tim Shockley , James Turano
SUBSCRIPTIONS : $ 35 per year ( first class ). Material for insertion must reach our office by the First Of The Month preceding publication . We cannot assume responsibility for unsolicited manuscripts or photographs .
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Illinois Entertainer
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The ILLINOIS ENTERTAINER is published monthly by Roberts Publishing , Inc , All materials copyright 2021 by Roberts Publishing , Inc . All rights reserved . No portion of this publication may be reproduced without written permission from Roberts Publishing , Inc . Current and back issues of the IE are $ 10.00 postpaid .