Illinois Entertainer January 2018 | Page 45

JANUARY STUDIO REPORT Chi-Town Social Club at Rax Trax A t MILLION YEN Guitar rockers The Dead On (Woolworthy/The Assembly) worked with owner and producer Andy Gerber on the "Radio On/Kiss Me I'm A Rail" single, which has been featured heavily by James Van Osdol on his Local 312 show on WKQX (101 FM). Veteran "Literate Power Poppers" Van Go were busy all summer and fall with Gerber working on a new full length album. The second installment of’s Experimental Recording Techniques series was just rele ased. Shot at RAX TRAX RECORDING in Chicago with studio pro- ducer and engineer Noam Wallenberg, the video focuses on vari-speed drum recording. Other episodes are soon to post at Also at Rax Trax, Chi-Town Social Club has been in StudioA, working hard on new music. The all-star line-up include Darryl Jones bassist (The Rolling Stones), Vince Wilburn (Miles Davis), Bobby Sparks (St. Vincent), Nicholas Tremulis (Nicholas Tremulis Orchestra) plus Toby Williams, Sandy Torano, Roger Reupert, and Gospel powerhouse Shawn Christopher. Hey Studiophiler: To get your studio or band listed in "Studiophile," just email your studio/recording info to service@illinoisen-, subject line: Studiophile. Deadline is January 15 for February issue. january 2 018 45