Illinois Entertainer January 2017 | Page 40

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Continued from page 20
IE : What ' s the answer ? TS : Because I made a " band " record , and I didn ' t feel like calling it a Tommy Stinson solo record . I felt like it was more of a band vibe . And I thought , " Well , fuck , I still got ownership of that name , why don ' t I use that name ?"
IE : When did Anything Could Happen become a Bash & Pop record and not a solo record ? TS : I recorded it differently than my solo records . My solo records were mostly just me playing everything and over-thinking . I really wanted to make a quick band record where I didn ' t think too much , didn ' t have to labor over it too much .
IE : You did Bash & Pop for one studio album and a couple years in the early ' 90s . Looking back , did the grunge mandates of the early ' 90s cause the quick disappearance of Bash & Pop ? TS : At that time , yes , you ' re right , grunge was coming out , and mine was kind of a more traditional rock ' n ' roll record ( Friday Night Is Killing Me ). But what ultimately happened was , I ended up moving to California and took ( The Replacements )] drummer , Steve Foley , with me . His brother [ Kevin ] was playing bass for a while , but he ended up having some problems and couldn ' t cut it after that record was done . And I had to get a new drummer and guitar player because , one , Steve moved back to Minneapolis , and , two , the two guys who were playing bass and guitar weren ' t cutting it , so it just kind of seemed like , " Well , why don ' t I just do something different altogether ?"
IE : With session work by GN ' R members Richard Fortus and Dizzy Reed , as well as former Gunner Josh Freese , your 2004 solo record Village Gorilla Head could be read as a secret GN ' R album . Did it come about because Chinese Democracy was taking so long ? TS : It really didn ' t . The Chinese Democracy thing was like five , six guys in a room hacking stuff out over a long period of time . The Village Gorilla Head record : I did the basic drum tracks and that in a studio in Hollywood . It was actually an office space above another studio . And I used that because Frank Black was making a Catholics record , and he had finished that and let me use all his gear and studio setup , and then I pieced the rest of it together in my studio at home .
IE : There was a point with Guns N ' Roses when all signs pointed to what would become a classic lineup reunion , a lineup that wasn ' t designed with you in mind . You were in Guns N ' Roses for over 15 years , more time than you spent on The Replacements . TS : That ' s longer than the fucking original members of GN ' R ( laughs ).
IE : When Duff McKagan came onstage at GN ' R ' s 2011 concert in Seattle to play bass during " You Could Be Mine ," did you sense the writing was on the wall ? TS : I never thought it was going to happen , to be honest with you . From what I knew back then , the wounds were too deep to fill . And so , cut to [ 2013 ]. I ' m starting to do Replacements shows again , and my personal situation was such that when they ( GN ' R ) called to ask me to do [ what ] must have been about five different tours . . . I couldn ' t go because I had a little kid to take care of here in Hudson . I think that might have helped spark that reunion thing . Because I wasn ' t quitting or anything , it ' s I just couldn ' t ... The Replacements weekend gigs were good enough for me to live on . I wasn ' t able to tour for Guns but also didn ' t need to at that time . So I think that kind of pushed it more than anything , if you ask me . Just my lack of being able to .
IE : At that Seattle show , Duff popped out a few songs after GN ' R played " Motivation " live for the first time . Was that part of the arrangement with Axl ? " O . K ., you can have Duff , but we gotta play Motivation ' first ." TS : No , no ( chuckles ). How that whole thing came about was , I ' m not one to do bass solos or anything like that . So , it ' s like ( imitating Rose ), " Yeah , how about you do a song in the middle of the set so I can get a breather kind of thing ." Everyone did one . . . and I just decided after awhile , let ' s do " Motivation ." I know it . Frank knew it . Richard knew it . And Dizzy knew it .
IE : What was Axl doing backstage during " Motivation "? TS : He wouldn ' t actually leave the stage . He would go into his , like , quick-change booth and get oxygen or change his coat or just sit for a second . You know , he ' s always running around , so you gotta have a place at some point in the set [ for him ] to go and catch his breath , so to speak , you know ?
IE : Since then , Guns went from playing basketball arenas to football stadiums . What are your thoughts on the " Not In This Lifetime " tour ? Have you seen any of the concerts ? TS : I know all those cats . I mean , I never met Slash before , as far as I know , but all those guys are buddies of mine . I ' m just stoked that they ' re out there doing it . I saw two shows now . I saw Kansas , and I saw the Philly show . And they just looked like they ' re having a fucking ball and successful tour . It ' s good for all of them .
IE : You ' ve gone to GN ' R shows . Do you expect to see members of GN ' R at Bash & Pop shows ? TS : If I were in the town that they were in , I think I ' d probably see a handful of ' em show up . Probably at least Richard , Frank , and Dizzy , maybe even Duff .
IE : Will you ever play in Guns N ' Roses again ? TS : I don ' t think they ' ll need me to ( laughs )!
IE : How about The Replacements ? TS : I don ' t think they ' ll need me to either ( laughs harder )! You know , I never say never . I don ' t have any idea . I ' m always open to whatever makes the most sense . Whatever sounds like the most fun . I never say never , but it seems like for right now , my plate ' s going to be full for the next year .
Appearing :
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Lounge ,
Chicago .
40 illinoisentertainer . com january 2017