Steve culture has appropriated those two genres since then . So I ’ ve been doing this for a long time , and I still enjoy it . And it ’ s funny — I ’ m talking to you right now from our rehearsal room , where we ’ re going to be doing all these shows . And
we started renting it on March 1 , and we moved in here all full of piss and vinegar , got all of our gear in , set things up , and ten days later , everything went belly up . Especially here in Queens . Queens got hit the hardest , immediately , out of everywhere in the country . So we suddenly had this room that we couldn ’ t go to for three months , and it was like , “ Oh , shit …” But now I walk here , and it ’ s a couple of miles from home , and it ’ s a nice refuge to go to and have fun and keep our chops up . And we don ’ t get together with friends — it ’ s just the two of us playing together here so far . Because I ’ m telling you — March , April , and May here in Queens ? It was
X , 2020
Linda and I tour a lot — she tours on her own , I tour on my own , and we also tour together . We ’ re kind of road monsters . But we never got a rehearsal room before because we thought , “ Oh , we tour so much , it ’ ll just sit there empty .” But we always wanted one , and we talked about it for years . But we finally said , “ Let ’ s just do it , and we ’ ll have a place to keep our gear and play whenever we want and get together with our friends .” So we found this place in our neighborhood in Queens , and everything ’ s cheaper out here . And
02 • 2021
like , “ Don ’ t leave your apartment !” It was a severe lockdown until about mid-May . It was really frustrating .
IE : So neither one of you got ill , then ? WYNN : Thankfully , no . So we ’ re lucky in away — did I just say ‘ lucky ’? But because Queens got hit so hard , it scared the shit out of me , so everybody wore a mask , and our numbers have remained low . But we found out — this is no game . Linda and I would turn on CNN , and they were showing the Albert Hospital as the epicenter ,
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8 illinoisentertainer . com february 2021