Illinois Entertainer February 2019 | Page 18

02•2019 Y&T, circa 1988 continued from page 10 IE: Well, you’ve demystified all of rock and roll for me! DM: You know what? It’s never quite as amazing as you think it’s gonna be, ya know? It’s just down to the simple brass tacks, like, ‘What makes sense here? I dunno. So let’s just throw all this together!’ But it’s all about the songs - if you write a good song. Because the band can theoreti- cally survive, but if your songs suck, chances are you’re not gonna be able to keep 18 february 2019 playing for 45 years. So it all comes down to that. And a good song written 45, 60 years ago is still good day. Y&T appear Saturday, March 16 at the Arcada Theatre, St Charles. Visit our Facebook and Twitter Pages for a chance to win a pair of tickets Tom Lanham