Illinois Entertainer February 2018 | Page 19 T H U R S D AY , F E B R U A RY 1 Bitters F R I D AY , F E B R U A RY 2 Glen David Andrews S AT U R D AY , F E B R U A RY 3 4th Annual Washington Island Fish Boil Festival features music, food, raffle, 3:30 pm Washington Island Fish Boil Festival T U E S D AY , F E B R U A RY 6 The best blues bargain in town...WDCB's Blues Time with Tom Marker presents a monthly show dedicated to the blues. Food by Capri, Sponsored by Revolution Brewing - Bluesday Tuesday with Jimmy Johnson F R I D AY , F E B R U A RY 9 Bad Examples frontman in a solo acoustic show — you're invited to bring your instrument and join in! Doors open at 8 pm. Ralph Covert's Acoustic Army In The SideBar S AT U R D AY , F E B R U A RY 1 0 Bono Bros Band plus Fran Banish Lonsome Still In The SideBar T U E S D AY , F E B R U A RY 1 3 Tom "Festival" Cimms’ cooks up his Louisiana specialties for purchase: gumbo, jambalaya and poboy sandwichs. Plus hurricanes and beads, beads, beads. Sponsored by Abita beer. Fat Tuesday Party with Nelson Street Revivial plus Bone Jugs W E D N E S D AY , F E B R U A RY 1 4 Come on out and celebrate the third anniversary of our evening of spoken word hosted by Maureen Muldoon with musical improvisation by Cathy Richardson. Plu G Valentines Day Edition: Love Stories & Songs Voice Box with Cathy Richardson T H U R S D AY , F E B R U A RY 1 5 The 6th annual festival celebrating American music. presented by Harmonica Dunn. Dunn Dunn Fest featuring Moonrise Nation The Hoyle Brothers • Michigander Emily Blue • MilkMoney• Allegra Malone F R I D AY , F E B R U A RY 1 6 The 6th annual festival celebrating American music. presented by Harmonica Dunn. Dunn Dunn Fest featuring JC Brooks Band Charley Crockett • Blackfoot Gypsies The Heavy Sounds • Wild Earp • Fox Crossing Stringband Bailey Dee • Gar Clemons & More S AT U R D AY , F E B R U A RY 1 7 The 6th annual festival celebrating American music. presented by Harmonica Dunn. Dunn Dunn Fest featuring Alana Royale Toronzo Cannon • Hannah Wickland & The Steppin' Stones • Matthew Ryan • The High Divers Carson McHone • Ryan Joseph • Ian Leith & More S AT U R D AY , F E B R U A RY 2 3 Expo '76 & The Total Pro Horns S U N D AY F E B R U AY 2 5 After Brunch Bash with The Teflons & Sunnyside Up Coming soon: 3/3: Webb Wilder; 3/9: Mike Love. Jungle Man Sam february 2018 19