Illinois Entertainer February 2017 | Page 8


ILLINOIS ENTERTAINER : Your home studio sounds awesome . TIMOTHY B . SCHMIT : Well , I ’ m not lacking for anything in it , sonically . It ’ s a goodsized guest house on my property , just
Should Do ,” and it ’ s the new single , actually . But I had this idea , and I was singing it under my breath , and nobody was really paying any attention to me – nobody stands out in New York , so you can do whatever you want there . So I ducked into a little alcove and put my idea down on the phone . And I forgot about it for a little while , and then went back and listened to it later . And that was the start of the song .
IE : It ’ s a very self-reflective track . In it , you observe that , “ Happiness is not a guarantee / I need to find what works for me .” What is it that you should do ? TBS : In the words of a good friend of mine , “ When I ’ m not doing what I should be

02 • 2017

steps away from my house .
IE : Do you regularly pad out there in your pajamas with a great midnight idea ? TBS : No , I don ’ t do that . I learned a long time ago that when I have those moments – and they seem so vivid and clear when you think of them , and you think you ’ re going to remember them , but you never do – that now its much easier to just throw your idea into an iPhone . I ’ ve done that several times . I started off one of the songs on this new album as I was walking down the street in New York . It ’ s called “ What I
doing – that being my art , my craft – I become a menace , a menace to society .” Which is a little overstated , because I would be more of a menace to myself and those around me . I like to work . And I think for anybody , it ’ s important – to find purpose in their life , to do what they ’ re put on the Earth to do . In other words , to be happy you have to seek happiness . There are a lot of people in this world who don ’ t like their day jobs , and it makes it hard for them to be peaceful , to have any kind of inner calm . So I ’ m really fortunate . I get to do exactly what I want to do , and
the reason I get to do it , I suppose , is the perk of actually getting compensated for it . But it ’ s not just monetary compensation – that ’ s kind of non-existent with my solo career . It ’ s more about being compensated
Timothy B . Schmit , 2017
deep down , in your own psychological core .
IE : So what kind of mischief do you get up to when you ’ re not occupied with work ?
545 Penny Road • South Barrington IL • ( 847 ) 428-0562 • corner of Old Sutton & Penny Rd • www . pennyroadpub . com • Open until 4AM
Tues Feb 14 One Night Ronnie the Medium Schedule your appt .
Coming Soon : Enufff Znuff , Tattooed Millionaires , Cheap Tribute , TNT Chicago , Retroactive , Rhetoric . Stone Senate , Convoy , Wicked Soul , Scars Of Armegeddon , TEN96 , Boneshaker , David Shankle , Joe Scardamaglia , Left Of Reason , The World I Knew
SUNDAY THRU WED $ 2 Domestic Drafts
TUESDAYS , WEDNESDAYS $ 2 Domestic Bottles SLAMMIN ' SATURDAYS $ 3 Pabst Blue Ribbon 16 oz cans $ 4 Beck Cans
Main Level Bookings
Contact Kelly Boldt 847-754-6003 kellylyn @ comcast . net
FRI FEB 3 Classic to Hard Rock Hits
Lunar Chiefs
and Faded Flannel
SAT FEB 4 Classic to Hard Rock Hits
Sin MG
plus Evenskies
and Papi Legusta
FRI FEB 10 Classic to Hard Rock Hits
Blackwater Doom
plus Spyderbone
and Spillage
SAT FEB 11 Classic to Hard Rock Hits
Rock Bottom and Rat Salad
FRI FEB 17 Current to Classic Rock Hits
plus Chisler
and Frizzle Fried
Hard Rock , Metal Dead Horse Trauma plus Consume The Divide with Ultrea and Breech
FRI FEB 24 Current to Classic Rock
Rough Draft Rocks
and Panic Switch
SAT FEB 25 Current to Classic Rock Hits
plus Altered State
and Delta Rising
FRI MAR 3 Current to Classic Rock Hits
Backlash and What Lies Ahead
SAT MAR 4 Current to Classic Rock Hits
Iron Horse
plus Unforgiven
and Maiden Chicago
ALL AGES & 21 + SHOWS available every Friday & Saturday on our Underground Stage - Please contact kellylyn @ comcast . net for booking info .
8 illinoisentertainer . com february 2017