Timothy In the early ‘ 80s , I wasn ’ t doing much . And I was at a party with Jimmy , who I ’ d
fan and an Eagles fan ? TBS : I have no idea . I would imagine that they ’ re the same people , pretty much , but I don ’ t really know for sure . And Rusty ( Young ) is the only original guy left in Poco at this point , and I wish him well .
IE : Were you stunned by the passing of your longtime Eagles bandmate Glenn Frey last year ? TBS : Well , the sicker he got , the more we saw it coming , so it wasn ’ t a complete shock . But when they actually proclaimed
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known for a few years , and he said , “ What are you doing for a couple of weeks this summer ? You want to play bass for me ?” And I said , “ Yeah , sure !” And it grew into a couple of summers ’ worth of work with him . And honestly , The Eagles were gone , I hadn ’ t been in the band that long , I had gone through a divorce , I ’ d lost property , I had a new family – and I ’ m very happily married , still – we had young children , and I was trying to keep my head above water . So it was like work – it wasn ’ t like I was going to go work at some grocery store . Jimmy offered me some work , and I said , “ Yeah – I ’ ve got to keep wood in the fire , you know ?”
IE : What ’ s the difference between a Poco
him gone , it was pretty profound – we ’ re still processing it . I mean , I remember the last day I saw him . I remember what I was doing when I was told he had passed .
IE : If you study Leap of Faith cuts like “ This Waltz ,” “ Slow Down ,” and even “ All Those Faces ,” which talks about Father Time marching coldly on , it sounds like you were going through an existential crisis . TBS : Yeah , well , I had some ... I had some …. physical issues that I was dealing with , and it was threatening my singing voice . I don ’ t want to get into details , but I really was thinking all that stuff – I call “ This Waltz ” my ‘ woe is me ’ song . I was pretty shaken up by this , because it could
have gone in any direction – not necessarily my life , but my career . And the truth is , my voice has been affected – I just have to approach things differently and sort of reinvent myself . I don ’ t sing way up in the stratosphere anymore . For instance , on that song “ The Island ,” I got two other younger guys to sing , and they happened |
The Eagles , circa 2010
to be Al Jardine ’ s sons , who are great singers . I was counting on Al , too , but he got sick . And I knew what I wanted , I heard it in my head , but I physically couldn ’ t do it anymore , myself . So I sang the lower parts .
IE : Are you okay now , physically ?
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