At Studio VMR: L to R: Bob Lizik, Kraig McCreary,
Don Griffin, Eric Chesser and Khari Parker
t STUDIO VMR in Brookfield
owner/producer Don Griffin
worked on 5 songs with rock guitarist/vocalist Eric Chesser, featuring
tracks that included a who's who of top
local studio musicians, including legendary bassist Bob Lizik (who has performed with Madonna, Jim Peterik and
The Beach Boys) acclaimed guitarist Kraig
McCreary, and drummer Khari Parker.
Italian blues-rock guitarist Breezy also
laid down tracks for Chesser after opening
for Buddy Guy at his club Legends last
month. Chesser is currently label shopping
in Nashville...Owner/engineer Griffin also
welcomed Sean Nielsen to VMR's engineering staff. Sean has been tracking acts
since last Fall and is a recent Columbia
College graduate. Nielsen recently engineered a project with A Cool Hand and
indie rock band Echos and Flowers, who
Griffin says are a "stunning original mix of
36 february 2014
Lou Reed and The Doors," among other came out of a long recording hiatus last
indie rockers. The band is currently mixing month to cut a vocal track on a song protheir album and shopping for a label. duced by Banks...Candace Pierce recorded
Nielsen also assisted on other Griffin proj- and released her second single, "Train
ects including The Gospel Chi-Lites, Wreck", a country-rock track co-written
Andrew Delinger, Johnny Rogers, and with Banks and Don Carlsson. Drumming
on the track was Amo Schmyz with Kim
Far Sighted.
Tracking at ENERGY COMMAND in Wilkens doing background vocals.
Arlington Heights, Songwriter David Johnny K. & Tempest Rising recorded
Dickow just completed his third record, two songs, their song "That's Why We
Tera Incognito. The 12 song CD was record- Dance" and flamenco rock track "Casa
ed and mixed by
Shoegazer/postDavid Banks with
punk band Noaidi
help on a few
recorded at GRAVtracks from Amo
Chicago with engirecord
neer Mike Penny.
newcomer Vince
was definitely a
lead vocals, Don
collaborative one,
Carlsson on guiwith Penny offertars, Dickow on
ing moral support
acoustic guitar and
David Dickow at Energy Command Studios
as well as his techsome
Schmyz on drums, and Rick Rizzo of nical expertise. Owner/engineer Doug
Eleventh Dream Day also played lead and McBride mastered Noaidi's music.
rhythm guitars on the signature track “It’s
a Good Day to Die”. Duane Thamm Hey Studiophiler: To get your studio or
played pianos and keyboards, while band listed in "Studiophile," just email info
Horatiu Ormindeanu (H. Dean of CPR on who you're recording/who's recording
Productions) played violin on a track. with you to [email protected], subOwner/engineer Banks also contributed ject line: Studiophile, or fax (773) 751-5051.
lead guitars plus rhythm on several songs Deadline for March 2014 issue is Feb. 15.
and played bass on the entire record. Please note that IE's March 2014 issue feaBlaise Barton of JOYRIDE STUDIOS in tures the return of our annual Studio Guide,
Chicago mastered the CD. Twenty-two featuring enhanced gear listings from
year old guitarist/vocalist/songwriter Chicagoland's top recording facilities.
Vince Richardson has been tracking at Listings will be featured online and in both
ENERGY COMMAND, recording several our print and digital issues. To get listed in
tracks for his first release produced by the issue, please email service@illinoisenterDavid Banks. Local singer Dennis Patt ܈