DON added all the time . We have a LOT of material that we ’ ll be loading onto YouTube for years .
IE : How does one go about setting up
kind of thing . I don ’ t make desperation moves . My music means a great deal to me , and my recordings mean a great deal to me , and I spend a lot of time on them . And I realize that even if a record isn ’ t going to sell a million copies — and very few do — they ’ re going to be listened to , and you want them to be wonderful . So I put a tremendous amount of effort into that Western album , “ Western Songs ,” which was all these different types of songs about the West , like movie songs , folk songs , everything . I put a lot of effort into these things because I love it , you know ? And that was in the
Don McClean their own YouTube channel ? DM : Well , you have to be somebody who would be , I guess , famous enough and has programming that has enough depth and breadth to warrant such a thing . And I had that .
IE : Was there anything you unearthed from the vaults that surprised you ? DM : No , I don ’ t do things like that . I KNOW what I ’ m thinking — I ’ m very careful about that stuff . So I don ’ t sing songs that other people suggest or that
12 • 2020
days when we were more album-oriented — there ’ d be a hit or two on the record , and then there would be nine songs that were fabulous , that made the album listenable . Sinatra did that . He was doing that all through the 1950s , when he went with Capitol . And when he started his own label , Reprise , he came out with “ Ring a Ding Ding ,” and that label was quite successful , too .
IE : Did you ever meet Frank ? It ’ s his
backline . care
8 illinoisentertainer . com december 2020