Illinois Entertainer December 2020 | Page 10


world , but we just live in it . DM : I never met him , but I saw him sing nine times . I lived in upstate New
York , and my mother lived in New Rochelle , where I was born . And whenever he played a cool nearby show , like Carnegie Hall , I ’ d see him . And I saw him one time when he was in excellent voice , and then a week later he had laryngitis and could barely sing . But he got through it . So that was always interesting to me — to see how those great artists coped with adversity and still did the show . Today , young people will cancel their show in a second , but not those guys . And not me . I ’ m the same way — the show WILL happen .
IE : What was the worst one that you soldiered through ? DM : Well , I had a tour of about two months in Europe three years ago , and I got terrible bronchitis . And I don ’ t really see doctors — I don ’ t like doctors and I take care of my own health and I ’ ve been pretty good about it . I ’ m 75 , and I don ’ t take any pills or anything . Well , this grabbed ahold of me , and it had to do with my asthma and so on , but I said , “ No doctors ! No doctors !” But finally , I had my first doctor , and he gave me all kinds of stuff , and I

12 • 2020

managed to get through four or five gigs , and then it got worse . Then I had my second doctor , then four more gigs , but by then I was over in Israel and it got really bad . So I consulted my third doctor , got through that , and that was the end of the tour . And that was a bitch !
IE : A frigid tour bus was the reason Buddy Holly cited for taking that fatal plane ride back in 1959 , on ‘ The day the music died ” that you sang about in “ American Pie .” DM : Well , let me tell you a funny story .
Billie Joe Armstrong No Fun Mondays Hatebreed Weight Of The False Self Miley Cyrus Plastic Hearts Voivod Lost Machine - Live The White Stripes - Greatest Hits
Arctic Monkeys Live At The Royal Albert Hall Calexico Seasonal Shift Dark Mark Dark Mark Does Christmas 2020 Deafheaven 10 Years Gone Joan of Arc Tim Melina Theo Bobby Lost Horizons In Quiet Moments Part 1 Rico Nasty Nightmare Vacation Shawn Mendes Wonder Sigur Rós Odin ' s Raven Magic The Hamrahlid Choir Come And Be Joyful The White Stripes The White Stripes Greatest Hits Yungblud weird !
Belle and Sebastian What To Look For In Summer Boris and Merzbow 2R0I2P0 Guided by Voices Styles We Paid For Kacy & Clayton Plastic Bouquet Less Than Jake Silver Linings M . Ward Think Of Spring Osees Panther Rotate Paul McCartney McCartney III The Avalanches We Will Always Love You The Kills Little Bastards
Arctic Monkeys
Less Than Jake
10 illinoisentertainer . com december 2020