Illinois Entertainer April 2022 | Page 19

from its ’ 80s era , most notably reminiscent of its 1982 Blackout album , the band has never sounded better . And their confidence is brimming wide on its 11 dynamic tracks . Rock Believer is 100 percent classic Scorpions with a modern production and sheen . The album starts off strong with the cheesy but fun opener “ Gas in the Tank ” and its tongue-in-cheek lyrics , while the vintage Scorps sound of the autobiographical “ Roots in My Boots ” and “ Knock ' Em Dead ” continues the energetic momentum . The album dips a bit toward the middle with “ Hot and Cold ” and “ When I Lay My Bones to Rest ,” but the pace picks back up with the tenacious “ Peacemaker ” and the slinky “ Call of the Wild ,” closing with the predictable Scorps melodic ballad “ When You Know ( Where You Come From ).” The band plays it a bit safe when it comes to their familiar musical formula , but it ’ s not bad for a couple of septuagenarians . Klaus Meine ’ s vocals are a bit subdued but spot-on , while Rudolf Schenker ’ s steady riffs and Matthias Jabs ’ soaring solos are top-notch . In addition , Pawel M ? ciwoda lays down some thumping bass lines and ex-Motörhead / King Diamond drummer Mickey Dee ( who replaced James Kottak in 2016 ) brings some veteran versatility to the band . Fifty years since the release of its debut album and 12 years from their premature retirement announcement , Scorpions have still got it .
– Kelley Simm
GUIDED BY VOICES Crystal Nuns Cathedral
( GBV Inc )
While the alt-rock institution Guided By Voices is mostly known for their staggering output ( this is their 35th album as band and leader Robert Pollard has released well over 100 albums during his career ), many consider them poster boys for the lo-fi rock renaissance of the 1990s . While grunge was ruling the airwaves , Pollard and company eschewed the arena rock bombast for a more DIY , homemade sound full of tape hiss and brief but brilliant pop songs . Fast forward to 2022 and Pollard is still cranking them out . While the cast of characters around him have
changed , his way with a melody certainly hasn ’ t . Working with the same producer and band lineup since 2017 , the rough edges that have always been GBV ’ s calling card have been somewhat sanded down , making Crystal Nuns Cathedral a cleareyed collection of winning tunes easier for newcomers to embrace than their classic era . While it doesn ’ t capture lightning in a bottle like mid 90s classics Bee Thousand and Alien Lanes , tracks like “ Climbing A Ramp ” “ Mad River Man ” and the title track are all top-tier Pollard worth your time and attention .
– Andy Derer
( Transylvanian Recordings ) The stunning self-titled debut album from local drone / doom metal band , An Evening Redness , is an introspective musical journey full of lush , ambient soundscapes . On its six expansive tracks , the band — featuring guitarist B . Elkins , vocalist Bridget Bellavia , and drummer Ryan Jewell — create trance-induced compositions full of ambient improvisations and ethereal melodies . The 12-minute opener “ Alkali ” sets the melancholic and somber tone , but it becomes a massive undertaking of a track to start the album with . At times , the track sounds like a band warming up in the rehearsal studio and doesn ’ t really follow a definitive musical structure . However , the listener ’ s patience is fully rewarded by the track ’ s finale . Within each track , there ’ s usually a push and pull juxtaposition of musical elements , with guitar and synth playing off one another . For example ; on “ Winter ,” the dichotomy of the haunting symphonic
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