IE : I feel the same way about rock journalism – it ' s never been about me . It ' s just about getting good music into the hands of listeners who deserve to hear , and the career chose me ; I didn ' t choose it . DM : It DOES choose you , your destiny . I feel like it ' s not an accident , so it does choose you , and it ' s such a gift if you know that , and you ' re |
the whole album and my favorite lyric . So it ' s gotta go on a T-shirt , or I ' ve gotta get that tattooed somewhere . And I love coffee , so I was thinking of making a " Don ' t let the demons get you down " coffee mug -- I think that ' s a good idea .
IE : What are your daily affirmation rituals
Dorothy Martin |
in sync with that , because there some people out there who are still searching that are in effect killing that -- they ' re killing their souls . They have so much potential to do something that ' s so fulfilling and giving back to the world , and yet they ' re sitting in a cubicle all day instead . So I ' m just grateful that I ' m not doing that !
IE : You chose " Beautiful Life " to open the album for a good reason , right ? DM : It just felt like a really great opener . It felt like a really strong message , and I wanted to come out swinging , to kick the barn doors open . It ' s an uptempo rocker , but it ' s got these bright lyrics that I love . And " Don ' t let the demons get you down " – that ' s the message of
now that keep the darkness at bay ? DM : I get up early , thank God for my life , and I get on my knees and pray , " Do with me what You will , send me out into the world , and use me to accomplish Your will ." And I have Zoom early in the morning , maybe a 12-step meeting , and then I exercise my ass off , and I get that natural dopamine high , and I train , I do Muay Thai and martial arts , and I do yoga , and I just try my best . Just like you , just like anyone else , I ' m just doing my best . Because really , I was so selfish and vapid and anxious and scared and full of shame that I was not contributing anything to society , the planet , or the people . I was so sick , spiritually , because I was strung out on Xanax , coke , pills , alcohol that it ' s amazing I ' m not dead because I overdosed . Twice . This was |
in my twenties . So I can ' t live that way anymore . My eyes have been opened , and once that seed has been planted ? It ' s really tough to go back . So I encourage anyone who ' s thinkCHICAGOing , " I need to change – I ' m looking for something ," just to ask because you |
will receive . Knock , and the door will open – I promise you .
Dorothy appears 3 / 30 at House of Blues , Chicago
Tom Lanham
12 illinoisentertainer . com april 2022 |