For the safety of our community and its
people, Impact Fuel Room will be
closed and all shows rescheduled and
postponed for the time being.
It was great. Those were great projects, I sing nonstop on bands’ albums -
records. I learned more about history - some that never even release stuff,
doing The Glorious Burden album than I they're just really small. But it's [for] the
ever did in school. It's kind of crazy. And fun of it that I do it. So, all I do is [take it]
to make Framing Armageddon was even day by day, week by week, and look for-
better; two great records. It was a good ward to doing this. It's something I enjoy
time. I was going from Priest at the time to doing. I enjoy music; I enjoy touring. It's
a band that was playing to almost the
pretty nice when someone asks what I do
same number of fans. Some markets for a living, and I say I’m a professional
weren’t as big. But you're playing big musician.
shows; you’re headlining Wacken festivals IE's MOSH-WORTHY RELEASES: Vader
and playing big festivals. So, it was great. Solitude
If you think about it, I went from Priest to Records) — Polish death metal masters
Iced Earth to Yngwie, so I mean, I did pret- returned with its most powerful album to
ty good things right away after Priest. It’s date. Witch Taint Sons of Midwestern
not as if I had disappeared. People still say Darkness (Tee Pee Records ) — The Indiana
to me, “Hey, what have you done since parody/black metal merchants mix Satan-
Judas Priest?” And I’ll say, “What have worshiping with humor on its debut full-
you done?”
length album. Stallion Slaves of Time (High
Roller Records) — Germany's speed metal
IE You’ve been a prolific singer through- merchants create fantastic throwback
out your career, and you keep extremely metal on its third full-length release.
busy. What's left for you to conquer?
We are grateful for many of our
customers who have purchased tickets
to these shows, and we will be reaching
out with updates as we learn more.
T.O: It’s one step at a time. All I want to
accomplish is to stay busy, make music,
make my living doing this. This is what I
love to do. I love to sing on other people's
Three Tremors are scheduled to play The Forge
of Joliet on April 9. Because of COVID-19 this
show will be rescheduled.
Kelley Simms
Check www.impactfuelroom.com for
updates. Thank you for your patience,
stay tuned and stay safe!
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