Citizen Cope
up?” to people, but now it’s just become a
photo fest. And I really hate those flashes. It’s
an invasion of privacy, also. But iny kind of
authentic interaction that goes on between
artist and fan, I’d like to learn something,
too. To learn something about them. But
basically, you’re thrown into something
that’s almost like a petting zoo. You lose your
autonomy, you lose a lot of things. So this
really isn’t the best profession for a good
mental, spiritual, financial, and personal life.
I look at all these peers of mine who are on
drugs, or they’re broke or they’ve lost their
voice. Or worse, they’ve died. It doesn’t end
well. I’ve been trying to figure it out — who
has it really ended well for, especially among
the super popular?
IE: Billy Joel?
CC: Yeah but he still had his struggles. And
we don’t know yet how it will all end for
him. Then there’s Dave Grohl, who’s just a
super happy dude. There are people like that
who are just genuinely happy. Science needs
to figure out what’s in their DNA and con-
coct a prescription drug accordingly. I really
admire people like that.
IE: How is the missus?
CC: We’re still fighting the good fight. We
both do the same thing, so sometimes it’s not
easy, both being artists and having the same
kind of struggles. But she is just amazing. I
have so much love and respect for her, as a
person and as an artist. It sometimes baffles
me, how amazing she is and yet she's not a
household name. She has the type of light-
ning in a bottle to just walk onstage and kill
it, every time. But I haven’t had the amount
of acceptance that I thought was going to
come with some of my albums; I have to say.
Tobias Music Showcase
Guitarist/Songwriter from dada and Butterfly Jones
Michael Gurley
at Tobias Music
Friday, May 3rd
8:00PM performance
Limited Seating • Call for ticket info - 630-960-2455
Michael Gurley’s musical talents have been fea-
tured in many successful rock bands including
dada and Butterfly Jones. He's currently
performing in Kiefer Sutherland's band. In
Michael's 30+ year career as a singer/guitarist/
songwriter and producer, he has published over
200 songs and has sold over one million records.
His extensive resume includes composing the
theme song for Disney’s “American Dragon: Jake
Long”, and music that can be heard in many
motion pictures including “The Brady Bunch
Movie.” He and his long-time friend John Gilmore
have performed together for 20+ years.
Tobias Music 630-960-2455
5013 Fairview Ave • Downers Grove IL 60515 www.TobiasMusic.com
12 illinoisentertainer.com april 2019
IE: Well, it did take you six years to fini
Heroin and Helicopters”….
CC: Part of making a new record is that yo
don’t want to dilute what you’ve do
before. So making records has always be
intense for me. But with this one, I had to g
over some blocks. Partly it was some perso
al stuff I was going through, and also I had
daughter and I wanted to spend more tim
with her. And when I wasn’t, I was on tou
since I’m paying for the records myself and
had to go on tour to do that. So I didn’t wa
to take any shortcuts. I just wanted t
record to be really great. And I feel like i
the best one I’ve done in a while.
IE: What is this heroin and helicopters
which you sing on the title track?
CC: That’s what Carlos Santana (who recor
ed Cope’s cut ”Sideways” for his Sham
album) told me to watch out for as a musici
— heroin, and helicopters. Stay away fro
both. Then the phrase just took on a life of
Appearing April 12 at House Of Blue
Tom Lanham