Illinois Chess Bulletin Julio - Agosto 2002 | Page 23

College of Lake County Invitational Round Robin College of Lake County Invitational By Rajen Gandhi Wayne may not be Clark Kent the superman but he is Wayne Clark! Though it took extraordinary effort to put together an 8player round robin tournament at College of Lake County, with an average rating of 1800 plus on may 4 and 5. The end result was a superb quality tournament providing some fireworks on boards. At the same time the tournament had its own soap opera moments : withdrawal of a key player at the last minute prompting an entry of a fine player from California with M & M in his name who has recently sneaked into Chicago chess scene, a player falling sick after third round, forcing him to forfeit the rest of the rounds, and then another player who initially wanted to play the last round but then forfeited it because he was upset. Talk about agony of defeat! After all, this round robin was a 7- round event with each player playing 4 rounds on first and 3 on the second day with time control of G/75. To say the least, it was hard nerve-wrecking work that required all the energy the doughnuts provided. Rajen Gandhi - Robert Riddle CLC Invitational, 05.04.2002 Comments by Rajen Gandhi 1.e4 c5 2.f4 Nf6 3.d3 d5 4.e5 Nfd7 5.Nf3 e6 6.c3 b5 7.d4 (d4-e5 pawn structure established) Qb6 8.Bd3 b4 9.Nbd2 Ba6 10.Qe2 Bxd3 11.Qxd3 Nc6 12.0–0 b3 13.axb3 (Nxb3 loses a piece after..c4) cxd4 14.Ra6 Qb7 15.b4! Black may have overlooked this move, and I wasn’t about to fall for his trap by playing either 15. cxd4 or Nxd4. He had spent a long time on 12…b3 having calculated the trap in his strategy. I was happy to accept his pawn sac then and return the pawn now. 15…dxc3 16.bxc3 d4 17.Nxd4 Nxd4 18.cxd4 Bxb4 (see diagram) TABLE Player Robert Rassmussen Michael Maloney Rajen Gandhi Robert Riddle Brian Ruggiero Boyd Reed Steven Napoli Johnson Chua Rtg Pts Rank 6.0 1 1893 1949 5.0 2 1742 5.0 1977 3.5 1919 3.5 2 4 4 1849 2.0 1719 2.0 1916 1.5 6 6 8 after 18… Bxb4 After it was all metabolized, the youngest undefeated player, Robert Rasmussen, stood tallest taking the first prize purse of $100 and Michael Maloney and Rajen Gandhi shared second place prize, $65 each. The following games are a sample of exciting chess wth go for the gusto attitude by the players. Black underestimated the ensuing crushing attack. 19.f5! (GM strategy-do not waste time when you can expose your opponent’s King!) exf5 20.e6 Nf6 21.exf7+ Kf8 22.Rxf5 Rc8 23.Ba3 Qe7 24.Re5 Rc3 25.Qxc3!! Bxc3 26.Rxe7 Bxd4+ 27.Kf1 g6 28.Rd7+ Kg7 29.Rxd4 (White misses grand finale mate with Pf8=Q #) Kxf7 Black runs out of time in an absolutely lost position 1–0 Steven Napoli- Mike Maloney CLC invitational RR (3), comments by Mike 05.04.2002 Maloney 1.b3 Steve favors the hyper-modern approach. 1...d6 2.Bb2 e5 3.d4 Nc6 4.dxe5 [If White proceeds with 4.d5 the center becomes locked and the scope of White's bishop is limited.] 4...Nxe5 My last move was an invitation to go immediately into the endgame. This exchange solves Black's opening problems and after the exchange of queens, I have a slight edge. Illinois Chess Bulletin 23