Illinois Chess Bulletin Julio - Agosto 2002 | Page 21
Memorable Meetings
White also has a decisive attack after 21…Bh4 22.Rf5
Qd6 23.Ref1.
22.Rf5 Qd6 23.Rd5 Qg6 24.Rxe7 Rxd5 25.Bxd5
hxg4 26.Qe4 Qxe4 27.Bxe4 Rd8 28.Rxc7 h5 29.Bc2
Rd5 30.Bb3 Rf5 31.Kg2 a5 32.Rxf7.
The simplest method of breaking up Black’s tightening
32…Rxf7 33.Kg3 a4 34.Bxf7+ Kxf7 35.Kh4 Kg6
36.b3 a3 37.c4 bxc4 38.bxc4 Kf5 39.Kxh5 Ke4
40.Kxg4 Kd4 41.h4 1:0
Notes based on Kasparov’s comments from Garry
Kasparov’s Fighting Chess, a book by Garry
Kasparov, Jon Speelman, Bob Wade.
I would like to mention another episode that
has to do with Garry Kasparov's rating record. In 1989,
after the tournament in Belgrade, Garry beat the rating
2800 for the first time in history. This fantastic
achievement remained unbeaten for 20 years. Only
recently was Vladimir Kramnik able to get 2809 and
get close to Kasparov's recent rating. In honor of this
event, I decided to release a new chess pin. I prepared
sketches and brought them to the ”Boss»”, Clara. As
far as I know, the pin I have is the sole example. Right
now, my collection includes a panel with around a
hundred pins dedicated to the 13 World Champion.
I have not seen Garry Kasparov for a long
time. Earlier I made attempts to invite him to Minsk.
Now, I would like to invite him to Chicago (Garry
regularly visits U.S.) for a lecture and a simultaneous,
but this is more difficult now - sponsors are
Illinois Chess Bulletin