Illinois Chess Bulletin Julio - Agosto 2002 | Page 2

• • • • • • • • Increased prize fund! 43% more! New site! Lower room rates! $65 – 4/room 3 sections! Multiple schedules! Closer to city and weekend getaways! 7 minutes from O’Hare! Accompanying scholastic event! 2002 Illinois Open Chess Championship August 30 – September 2 Adam’s Mark Northbrook, 40% more room! Milwaukee Avenue just south of Willow Road, 10 minutes from O’Hare, FREE PARKING $11,100 in prizes based on 200 (over 200 the past 3 years), ($8,000 guaranteed proportionally) 3 Sections: Open Open to all; Prizes $$: $2,000 - $1,000 - $500 - $300 - $200; Under 2400 $400, $250, $150 ; Under 2200: $300, $200, $100; Top Junior $150; Unrateds may only win the top prizes Under 2000 Open To Under 2000/Unrated; Prizes $$: $1,000 - $500 - $200 - $100 - $100; Under 1800: $300 - $200 - $100 - $100; Top Junior $100, UNR, $100. Unrateds may win only the unrated prize. Under 1600 Open To Under 1600/Unrated; Prizes$$: $1000 - $500 - $200 - $100 D: $250 - $100 $50, E/Below: $150 - $100 - $50, UNR: $100 - $50, Top Junior: $100, Unrateds may win only the Unr prizes Entry Fee: Early At site: Re-entries If postmarked by 8/15, AND if your ICA and USCF memberships are current or renewed with your entry: 4-day: $74, 3-day $73, 2-day $72 You may apply ONE of the following additional discounts if your entry is postmarked by 8/15 AND your ICA and USCF memberships are current or renewed with your entry. These discounts ARE NOT available for at site entries – GM’s and IM’s are free – $30 discount to Juniors under age 18 – $30 discount to unrateds – $30 discount to each additional family member from the same household entered in the same envelope $95 $45, no discounts Schedule: Time Limit Registration 4-Day 40/2, SD/1 Friday 5 pm to 7pm Special 3-Day 2-Day Byes Rounds Fri 8 pm, Sat 11 & 6, Sun 10 & 5, Mon 9 & 3:30 Rds 1-2 SD/75, rds 3-7 40/2, SD/1 Sat 8 am to 10 am Sat 11, 2, 6, Sun 10 & 5, Mon 9 & 3:30 Rds. 1-4 SD/45 rds 5-7 40/2, SD/1 Sun 7:30 am to 8:30 am Sun 9-11-1-3-5, Mon 9 & 3:30. MAX of two 1/2 point byes ($1 fee for each) available for all rounds. Byes must be requested at least 1 hour PRIOR TO round desired, AND before round 5. Other: Hotel Bookdealer Adam’s Mark Chicago-Northbrook, 2875 N. Milwaukee Avenue, Northbrook, IL 847-298-2525, or 800-444-ADAM. Minutes off of I-294 south of Willow. Ask for the chess rate, rates good until July 31, 2002. HR 65-65-65-65 Fred Lindsay EF Payable to ICA: Wayne Clark, 2140 N. Masters Lane, Lake Villa, IL 60046, 847-223-1819 [email protected] NAME________________________________________________________ USCF ID________________________________________ SECTION____________ SCHEDULE ____________ E-MAIL_____________________________________________________ ADDRESS_____________________________________________________________________________________________________ ADDRESS_____________________________________________________________________________________________________ 2 RATING_________ ENTRY FEE_________ICA DUES__________USCF DUES___________BYES_____________TOTAL___________ Illinois Chess Bulletin