Then & Now
" Under these conditions , the " theory " I developed was to hold a Steinitzian strong point , delaying castling , and then attack on the Kingside . Other than as an illustration of this , my last round win over Tautvaisis was pedestrian . As I got older , I got more logical in looking for a winning positional strategy , but my Kingside attack against Povilas was more energy than logic ."
Despite Nedved ' s modesty , the game is well worth looking at , and not just for its " energy ". The brief notes are from Nedved ' s scoresheet .
Kimball Nedved - Povilas Tautvaisis [ C77 ] Illinois Championship ( 7 ), 1951 1 . e4 e5 2 . �f3 �c6 3 . �b5 a6 4 . �a4 �f6 5 . �e2 b5 6 . �b3 �c5 7 . c3 0-0 8 . d3 d6 9 . �g5 �e7 10 . �bd2 �b6 11 . �f1 �d8 12 . �e3 c6 13 . h3 �e6 14 . �f5 �d8 15 . �e3 �f4 16 . �xf4 exf4 17 . g4 fxg3 18 . �xg3 �e6 19 . h4 �g4 20.0-0-0 �h5 21 . d4 �f6 22 . �f5 �ae8 23 . �d3 �f4
24 . �e3 �xf5 25 . �xf4 �xe4 26 . �d2 d5 ? 27 . �e5 �c8 28 . f3 �f4 29 . �xc6 �xf3 30 . �xd5 �f2 31 . �g5 �c7 32 . �e7 + �h8 33 . �xf6 �xf6 34 . �xc8 �xc8 35 . �hf1 �f4 + 36 . �c2 �d8 37 . �de1 g6 38 . �b7 �d7 39 . �xa6 �xa6 40 . �xf4 �xa2
41 . �e8 + �g7 42 . �b8 Wins . 42 ... b4 43 . �xb4 �a5 44 . c4 Passed pawns must be pushed ! 44 ... f5 45 . c5 h6 46 . �c3 �a6 47 . �c4 �f6 48 . d5 g5 49 . c6 �d8 50 . hxg5 hxg5 51 . �b7 + �g6 52 . �f1 f4 53 . c7 �c8 54 . �c5 �f5 55 . d6 �e6 56 . �e1 + �f7 57 . d7 �f5 + 58 . �d6 �a8 59 . c8� �a6 + 60 . �c7 1-0
The following year Nedved would again win the Illinois State Championship . Continuing the pattern of 1951 , and consistent with the previous championship , Nedved wound up playing games against his brother-in-law Roy Berg , John Tums , and Angelo Sandrin on his way to the title .
In later years Nedved would add the Championship of Philadelphia , the US Amateur Championship , and the US Amateur Team Championship to these two Illinois titles . But those are other milestones , for reflections on another day .
Congratulations to All !
Best State Publication Illinois Chess Bulletin
The Illinois Chess Bulletin , published six times a year , is the official publication of the of the Illinois Chess Association . It has won numerous Chess Journalist of America Awards and has won the Cramer Award for Best State Publication in 1994 and 1999 . During 2001 three different editors shared the honor of serving as editor for this fine publication : Roy Frye , Josh Flores and Bill Brock .
2001 – Illinois Chess Bulletin Mar-Apr 2000 thru Nov-Dec 2000 : Roy Frye Jan-Feb 2001 : Josh Flores Mar-Apr 2001 thru May-Jun 2001 : Bill Brock
Illinois Chess Bulletin 17