Illiana Lifestyle Summer 2023 | Page 11

— Bud Gouard

“ I ’ m here , and I ’ m going to keep cooking as long as I can ."

— Bud Gouard

Bud Gouard , who has three decades of experience at the grill , barbecues slabs of ribs .
different foods , such as deep fried corn on the cob and deep fried peach cobbler – which are both on his menu .
“ I deep fried pickles a month ago , and they sell real good ,” he said . “ I buy the pickles by the bucket .
“ Another hot seller is catfish ,” he said . “ I added fish on the menu during COVID because restaurants were closed and people wanted fish for Lent .”
Beef short ribs , fried chicken wings and jumbo hot dogs round out the menu .
“ We try to make something for everyone ,” he said .
Gouard said he made a promise two years ago to his granddaughter , Myah .
“ I told my granddaughter I would watch her graduate ,” he said .
Not only did Gouard watch her graduate from Danville High School this May , but that same weekend he celebrated his 65th birthday .
“ I ’ m here , and I ’ m going to keep cooking as long as I can ,” he said .